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Some FOY researchers take this record to task claiming the year is wrong and
that it actually is referring to FRANCES (female) FOY, not FRANCIS (male)
FOY. These researchers cite records which indicate there was a JOHNSON
family who lived in that area i.e., there was a DANIEL JOHNSON, who died in
Maryland in 1715. DANIEL JOHNSON had a wife named FRANCES.
Further research connects DANIEL and FRANCES JOHNSON to the FOYs in
that region like this:
After DANIEL JOHNSON died, FRANCES JOHNSON, his widow, married
EDWARD HARRIS later died and FRANCES, now also EDWARD’s widow,
married HUGH GRANT.
HUGH GRANT died and FRANCIS, now HUGH’s widow, married MILES
FOY, who, it is believed, was the son of FRANCIS FOY.
There have been and are some excellent genealogical researches who have taken
great pains and spent hundreds of hours to search for and examine all available
documents relating to the early FOYs and, as mentioned earlier, most agree the
best theory of who the first FOY in our lineage in America was a man named
FRANCIS; the same FRANCIS described by Mr Kammerer in The Heritage of
Onslow County . However, this information is not fact confirmed by documents,
it is just the best theory.
If we follow that theory we will find records which indicate FRANCIS FOY and
SERENA MILES had five children. They were:
MARY FOY c1670 (c means about; an estimate)
MILES FOY c 1674
THOMAS FOY c 1681 - c1690
The dates and places of birth for these offspring differ depending upon the
TAB 2 Pg. 13