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1600s in    Yorkshire,    England     to the   early 1900s in     North   Carolina.    These
               documents were replete with errors.

               These documents described dozens of people,  their dates of birth, their place of
               birth, marriage data, death data, etc. And all of them have the same names as
               distant FOY relatives of our own.

               You ask, “Well, what is the problem?”

               The problem is, factually speaking, that record in Yorkshire, England is a not
               an authentic record. It was a record created in 1992 some three hundred years
               later   than  the   event  it   allegedly reported      and   was   created   to document
               someone’s theory of what happened in the 1600s in order to complete a religious

               I contacted the individual who, in fact, recorded that information in the IGI at

               Yorkshire and asked her where she got her information regarding FRANCIS
               FOY and SERINA MILES being married in England.  Where do you suppose?

               That’s right.  She got it from the “best theory” information we have already
               discussed; it consists of undocumented ideas by someone who could not find
               records to substantiate their theory so they made one up.

               I had a physic’s professor once in college that told the class the best example he
               could think of which fit the  definition of perpetual motion is a self-sucking cow.
               Think on that a while.

               Like that cow we went full circle in our search for fact.... from a theory that

               FRANCIS FOY married  SERINA MILES in Yorkshire, England and came to
               America..... to an official record of such a marriage of those two people in official
               records in Yorkshire, England..... to the fact that the information contained in
               that official record actually came from            the theory we started with in the
               beginning and was put there           as part of a religious practice that requires
               documentation of claims.

               Such is the life of one seeking facts about his family and their past.

                                                       TAB  2 Pg. 16
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