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Almost immediately he found a record in the International Genealogical Index
(IGI) for Yorkshire which indicated a SERENA MILES (born about 1648) and
a FRANCIS FOY had been married in Yorkshire in 1669. Mystery solved,
right?... WRONG.
I was delighted and had visions of uncovering all kinds of information about the
French-English FOYs. BARRON continued his research and, as far as I am
concerned, did an excellent and thorough job of it. But, he found nothing.........
nothing about FRANCIS FOY; nothing about SERENA MILES; no further
records or references, at all. How could that be ?
He searched the records for all the counties in England and found hundreds of
references to FOYs who had lived there but no FOY by the name FRANCIS and
no one by the name of SERENA MILES. He searched wills, property records,
history books, burial records, church records, every available record which
might have a reference..... nothing about FRANCIS or SERENA or their
The English do not work for free just as we don’t. This search was costing me
hundreds of dollars. So, I asked MR BARRON to go back to the one reference
he had found and try to track down its origin.
MR BARRON found out that the entry in the I.G.I. at Yorkshire did not actually
come from records made in the 1600s. Rather, the entry came from records filed
in 1992. 1992 ? How could that be ?
Further inquiry determined the entry about FRANCIS FOY and SERINA
MILES being married in Yorkshire was made as a part of the American
Morman Church’s (LDS) Temple ordinance keeping system in an effort to
identify and save their family members from hell. BARRON obtained some
reference numbers which further identified the records and sent that
information to me. The reference numbers were SGEOR, batch F509580, Sheet
14, Source call number 1553416, type-film.
With that information I was able to obtain from the Mormon Genealogical
Library in Salt Lake City Utah microfilm records of over thirty eight pages of
documents which traced a family tree beginning with the FOYs from the mid
TAB 2 Pg. 15