Page 113 - Foy
P. 113


                1.  LEWIS FOY had a son named BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOY.
                2.  BENJAMIN FRANKLIN had a son named JOHN ELON FOY.
                3.  JOHN ELON had a son named TRUMAN FRANK FOY.
                4.  TRUMAN FRANK had a daughter named JEAN ELIZABETH FOY.
                5. JEAN  ELIZABETH  married  a  MILLER and  had  a  son  named

               That makes six generations from JAMES to RICHARD.

               On the EUGENE CHESSON side, JAMES FOY also had a son named JAMES
               FOY JR.

               1.  JAMES JR had a son named JOSEPH M. FOY.
               2.  JOSEPH M. Had a son named FRANCIS M. FOY.
               3.  FRANCIS M. Had a daughter named MARY JOSIE FOY.
               4.  MARY JOSIE  married a man named CHESSON and they had a son named
                    EUGENE CHESSON.

               There are five generations from JAMES FOY to EUGENE CHESSON.

               Now, that’s the easy part; how do you use the chart to determine the relationship

               between RICHARD MILLER and EUGENE CHESSON ?  Starting on the left
               side with RICHARD          MILLER,      follow   the  column (that    will be the series     of
               smaller parallelograms with the numbers and letters in them) that are formed
               between the lines for numbers  5 and 6.  At the same time , starting on the right
               (EUGENE CHESSON’s side) follow the column between the lines for numbers
               4 and 5.  Where those two columns  intersect is the small parallelogram which has
               the notation “4C/1R” in it.  That notation stands for fourth cousin, once removed.

               You   will  see  that  most  relatives  are  cousins   and,  unless   you  are  one  of  those
               particular types,    the  number designations like third,        fourth,  fifth,  etc  and  the
               removeds are not really important unless we find a will some where that gives
               more money to the smaller numbered cousins which is not likely.

                                                         Ch. 11 Pg. 7
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