Page 116 - Foy
P. 116
Then, if I have a child, my child and your child would be “2nd cousins”. Your
grand children would be my “first cousin, twice removed” and vice versa. Your
grandchild and my grandchild would be “3rd cousins”. Keep that up and you see
you and I have had hundreds, even thousands, of cousins in the FOY family and
they would have titles like “12th cousin twice removed”.
Here is a chart that may help:
child sibling Child
g-child cousin g-child
gg-child 2cousin gg-child
ggg-child 3cousin ggg-child
gggg-child 4cousin gggg-child
ggggg-child 5cousin ggggg-child
gggggg-child 6cousin gggggg-child
And on and on it goes. As you can see:
First cousins always share a grandparent.
Second cousins always share a great grandparent.
Third cousins always share a great, great grandparent.
Fourth cousins always share a great, great, great grandparent.
Fifth cousins always share a great, great, great, great grandparent.
The cousin rule-of-thumb is, “the greats” are always one less that the cousin
relationship. This method of determining relationships is the legal method used
by all courts in the USA and the one commanly accepted by genealogist.
HALF COUSINS: The word “half” means only that one of two parents is the
blood parent. When two siblings share only one parent, they are “half-siblings”.
Therefore the children of these two half siblings would be half cousins because
they share only one grandparent.
DOUBLE COUSINS: Double cousins result when two brothers marry two sisters
(of another family). The children of each married pair are cousins to each other
through their father’s family and through their mother’s family; i.e., “double
Ch. 11 Pg. 10