Page 120 - Foy
P. 120


                       “JOHN     FOY came into court and         prayed to   renew his ordinary      license
                       October 9, 1767, which was granted.”

               There are     at  least  two land  records in   Craven    County listing land     owned by
               JOHN FOY:

                       1. “Surveyed    for JOHN     FOY 150 acres in       Craven   County   on  the North
                       side  Trent   River   near  the head of Samuels Creek beginning at Black
                       Jack  Peter Rhems  wester most corner of his patent dated               25th  April
                    1767 and runs with his line no. 17 Et 160 poles to a stake his other              corner
               then No 73 Wt 150 poles then So 17 wt 160 poles then So                 73 E 150 poles to the
               beginning....... Chris Neal Survey”

                       2.  “December the 3rd, 1770
                       Surveyed for JOHN FOY sixteen acres of land in the County of Craven on
                       the North side of Trent River joyning Thomas Murphys Daniel Simmons and
                       John Stanalands lines, beginning at a Red Oak said Stanalands corner in
                       said Simmon’s line, thence running along said Stanalands line No 17 wt 30
                       poles to two   small white oaks by his co in Pollocks line,           thence along
                       Pollock’s line So 70 Et 96 poles to Murphy’s in a            swamp, thence along
                       Murphy’s line 30 W 60 poles to his corner in Simmons line thence along
                       Simmon’s line N 17 W 64 poles thence along hie other line No 84 Wt 32
                       poles to the first station. Plotted by scale 100 poles to          the inch....John
                       Shepard Survey”

               The name JOHN FOY was noted on a 1769 list of Craven County tax payers
               (then called Thithtables). Along with him are listed five male blacks and two

               female blacks.

               [NOTE: We are going to find many records in our FOY history indicating that
               the FOYs owned large plots of land in several             counties in several states and
               owned many slaves. These are the first of such records.]

               I have found no record of any marriages or children for JOHN FOY.

               THOMAS FOY, JR. (1729-1789)

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