Page 26 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 26

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                  Pharmacokinetic Parameters

             Parameters           Name                 Significance                     Key features

                  Cmax       Maximum            The       highest       drug  Cmax and Tmax are correlated and

                              plasma             concentration was observed  depend on how quickly the drug

                              concentration      in    plasma       following  enters  into  and  is  eliminated
                                                 administration.                from the body

                  Tmax       Time  at  which  The  time  at  which  the

                              Cmax is reached    highest  drug  concentration


                  AUC        Area  under  the  The  measure  of  total  It  represents  the  amount  of

                              concentration-     systemic  exposure  to  the  unchanged drug that has reached

                              time curve         drug                           the  systemic  circulation  and  is
                                                                                useful     to     define      the

                                                                                bioavailability of a drug

                  Vd         Volume        of  The  apparent  volume  into  It depends on binding to plasma

                              distribution       which the drug is dissolved  proteins and tissues and is useful
                                                                                to     correlate     the     drug

                                                                                concentration in plasma with its

                                                                                amount in the body

                  t½         Half-life time in  the  time  taken  for  the  It is independent on the amount

                              the     terminal  concentration  of  a  drug  to  of a drug in a body and is useful

                              phase              reach  50%  of  its  initial

                                                 concentration (i.e. the  time
                                                 taken     for     a     drug

                                                 concentration  to  reach  half

                                                 of its initial value)

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