Page 23 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 23

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

              Relationship between the administered dose and amount of drug in the body

                     ✓  Only the bioavailable drug will produce the therapeutic activity

                          Intravenous solution                              Extravenous route

                                =    = (      )                                    =      = (           
                Where;                                         Where;
                    ✓  (      )   is  the  area  under  the        ✓  (      )  is the area under the curve of
                        curve      of      plasma       drug          plasma  drug  concentration  versus
                        concentration versus time (AUC)               time (AUC) from time zero to time
                        from time zero to time infinity               infinity

                    ✓  K  is  the  first-order  elimination        ✓  K  is  the  first-order  elimination  rate
                        rate constant                                 constant

                    ✓  V (or V d) is the drug’s volume of          ✓  V  (or  V d)  is  the  drug’s  volume  of

                        distribution.                                 distribution.
                                                                   ✓  F bioavailable fraction


                         Only that fraction of the administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation

                         will be available to elicit a pharmacological effect.

                         For an IV solution, the amount of drug that reaches general circulation is the

                         dose administered.

                         For the extravascular route, the amount of drug that reaches general circulation

                         is the product of the bioavailable fraction (F) and the dose administered.

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