Page 26 - Now-book2-fli-version
P. 26

会話  2 : Results and Possible Contacts

     Lyla's test results are back, and they are negative. But the doctor thinks
     that she still could have influenza.

     ライラの検査結果が戻ってきて  彼らは陰性でした。でも医師は彼女がまだインフルエンザに

        Doctor : OK. Ms. Lyla, the results are back from the influenza test and the tests are negative.
        Lyla : Does that mean that I don't have influenza?

        Doctor : Not necessarily. As I mentioned earlier, the symptoms are sometimes slow to show. Can I
        ask about your house-mate's symptoms?

        Lyla : Well, she has been coughing and sneezing a lot and looks pretty tired. But we don't see each

        other much. She works different hours from me.
        Doctor : I think the possibility of you having caught the flu is very high. The disease is very prevalent

        now. Do you come into contact with  children in your job?
        Lyla : Yes, I teach children almost every day. At two kindergartens and one elementary school.

        Doctor : And have any of the students been ill?

        Lyla : I don't know. Oh wait...actually there have been a lot of kids absent, but they didn't tell me
        what the reason was.

        Doctor : I think we should prescribe you some medication.
        Lyla : Some flu medication?

        Doctor : Yes.
        Lyla : Actually, my throat has been feeling a little sore  lately.
        Doctor : Yes, I noticed that your throat was slightly inflamed . This symptom will probably get
        Lyla : What should I do if my throat gets worse?

        Doctor : Well. You can ease the symptoms by drinking a lot of fluids . Also using saltwater gargles
        which you can make by mixing a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water.
        Lyla : Can I just take some throat medicine?

        Doctor : Well. Some medications should not be taken together.
        Lyla : I understand.
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