Page 25 - Paparan KI Sadai_Neat
P. 25

Sadai Integrated Industrial and Port, South Bangka - Indonesia
                        RATION                                                Smart Sea-Port   |   Logistics center   |   Industrial Estate
                   Land Area of The Road Network Based on “Rumija”

                                                              ( Right of Way )

                                           BLOCK A                                                    BLOCK B

           Milik                                 Green                                                       Green
          Jalan                The      Side     Line &               Total               The               Line &               Total
          ( Right   Length    Road      Walk     Island   Drainage  of ROW     Lenght    Road    Sidewalk   Island   Drainage  of ROW
         of way )   ( Km )    ( Ha )    ( Ha )    Road     ( Ha )    Block A   ( Km )    ( Ha )    ( Ha )    Road     ( Ha )    Block B
                                                  ( Ha )             ( Ha )                                  ( Ha )             ( Ha )

            1         2         3         4         5         6        7         8         9         10       11        12        13
            18        12,44    12,75      2,82      7,01      1,34     23,92     13,97     5,15      1,91      3,44      1,00     11,50

            34        11,20    22,21      4,74     11,97      2,36     42,28      6,88    24,90      5,20     13,33      2,58     46,00

            50         2,05     8,93      1,68      6,76      1,00     18,38      4,01      7,88     1,50      2,99      0,90     13,27

          TOTAL      25,68     43,89      9,23    25,75      4,70     83,58     24,85     37,93      8,60    19,76      4,48     70,77

        The total planned length of roads in the Industrial Estate is 50.54 Km, with a total area of
        approximately = 154.35 ha or 15.43% of the total area of the Industrial Estate, with details:

        •  The total length of the ROW 18 = 26.40 Km, with a total area = 35.42 ha or 3.54% of the total Industrial
        •  The total length of road ROW 34 = 18.07 Km, with a total area = 87.28 ha or 8.73% of the total area of
           the Industry.
        •  The total length of road ROW 50 = 6.06 Km, with a total area = 31.65 ha or 3.16% of the total area of
           the Industry.
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