Page 21 - Paparan KI Sadai_Neat
P. 21

Sadai Integrated Industrial and Port, South Bangka - Indonesia
                        RATION                                                Smart Sea-Port   |   Logistics center   |   Industrial Estate
                                       Generation of Item’s Movement

        The projected seizure of item’s movements arising from industrial activity includes the movement of imported

        and exported goods, from the results of calculations based on Minister of Industry Regulation Number: 40 in

        2016, the resulting seizure of imports of 6,491 TEU’s / month and export movements generated by 11,359

        TEU’s / month or 17,850 junior high / month or equivalent to 595 pcu / day.

                                                                            GENERATION OF ITEM’S MOVEMENT

         NO        REGION NAME          INDUSTRIAL
                                        LOTS AREA      IMPORT        IMPORT       EXSPORT       EXSPORT        TOTAL         TOTAL
                                                        (TEU’s)      (TEU’s/       (TEU’s)       (TEU’s/     (pcu/Mnth)    (pcu/Day)
                                                                      Mnth)                       Mnth)

          1               2                  3             4            5             6             7             8             9
                 Kawasan Industri
          1                               540,92        1.623         6.491         1.893        11.359        17.850          595

        The number of people and goods movements is 3,029 pcu / day. Although the projections of the seizure of

        people and goods in the Industrial Estate are not too large but there are demands for the provision of good

        quality roads because the road provided will be traversed by heavy transport, and to facilitate the movement

        of large vehicles, the capacity and level of road services are smoother and try to make it more comfortable .

        Generation of Item’s Movement
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26