Page 120 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
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emperor and his senior government. There were clearly both   The situation, however, changed from 1431 onwards. The
          proactive and reactive elements in the Hongxi emperor’s   strength of the Ming state had largely recovered, the effect of
          decision to suspend state-sponsored maritime voyages.   the Hongxi emperor’s initial edict had faded, and Xia
            The Hongxi emperor and his circle of advisors turned   Yuanji had by then passed away. The three main obstacles to
          away from the Yongle emperor’s taxing and outward-  resuming maritime voyages were thus largely neutralised.
          looking policies, and to an extent returned to the policies of   Under these circumstances, the Xuande emperor could
          the late Hongwu and Jianwen reigns, in order to enable   venture to resume sending fleets overseas. Moreover, unlike
          society to return to a path of peace and stability. This   his father, he had enjoyed a very good relationship with the
          marked the beginning of a period known as ‘the rule of Ren   Yongle emperor, so he did not completely renounce the
          and Xuan’ (Ren Xuan zhi zhi 仁宣之治), referring to the   policies of the earlier ruler, but instead tried to reach a
          Hongxi (Renzong 仁宗) and Xuande 宣德 (宣宗, r. 1426–35)   compromise between the positions of his two predecessors.
          reigns, which saw a more practical and stable kind of   This was his approach on the matter of state-sponsored
          governance. This change was not only a turn to stability   maritime voyages: after an initial suspension, he resumed
          from one emperor to the next, but also an example of a wider   them once conditions allowed, making possible Zheng He’s
          process in which imperial rulership moved from the   seventh and final voyage that took place from 1430 to 1433.
          founding of a dynasty, towards pioneering activities, then   In his later years, the Xuande emperor had to issue
          stable development.  Moreover, compared to his father who   multiple edicts aimed at lightening the burden on ordinary
          possessed an extroverted martial character, the Hongxi   people of his own excessive spending on courtly pleasures
          emperor was more inward-looking and focused on    and entertainment. Despite this, he had no intention of
          preserving the achievements of the past. This difference in   suspending state-sponsored maritime voyages. Ming
          temperament is demonstrated in the divergent directions   imperial porcelain decorated with sea creatures and waves,
          that the two men took in their policies. Even if the Ming   which appeared during the Yongle reign and were related to
          state had remained strong, and tensions did not exist   maritime activities, became more widespread under the
          between him and his father, the Hongxi emperor still would   Xuande emperor. The motif can be found on a variety of
          not have actively advocated for the continuation of state-  surviving vessels in the same way as auspicious flora and
          sponsored maritime voyages.                       fauna patterns.  These porcelain pieces were daily wares
                                                            that accompanied the emperor in the imperial court. To an
          Suspension and resumption of the voyages during the   extent, the motif of sea creatures and waves, painted in
          Xuande reign (1426–35)                            different colours in a lively and refined manner, must have
          In the first five years of his reign, the Xuande emperor did   expressed the emperor’s interest and attitude towards
          not dispatch fleets on state-sponsored maritime voyages.   maritime voyages. On the 21st day of the ninth month of
          Then in the sixth year of his reign (1431), Zheng He and his   1434, the Xuande emperor issued an Edict to Suspend Collecting
          fleet was sent to the ‘Western Ocean’ once again. There are   Materials in Response to Disaster (Xuzai tingzhi wuliao chi 恤災停
          three main reasons for this change. Firstly, before 1431,   止物料敕) that ordered the Ministry of Works to stop
          Ming society and economy had not fully recovered to the   collecting raw materials from Southern Zhili 南直隸 region
          level of the early Yongle reign. Secondly, since the Hongxi   (present-day Jiangsu, Anhui and Shanghai), which was
          emperor had declared the suspension of the voyages in his   suffering from natural disasters.  The edict did not,
          enthronement edict, the Xuande emperor could not   however, suspend preparations of materials for use on ships
          overturn this decision in the short term. In his own initial   intended for maritime voyages; instead they would continue
          edict, the Xuande emperor had explicitly stated that he   as planned.
          would abide by the orders given by his father when he   Yet, three months later, on the first day of the first month
          ascended the throne.  Resuming state-sponsored voyages in   of 1435, an Edict to Hasten Labour (Chiyi chi 馳役敕) was issued,
          the first few years of his reign would have given the   addressed to the Ministry of Works and Li Long 李隆, a
          impression that he had betrayed ancestral instructions and   military official guarding Nanjing, which for the first time
          broken his own promises.                          ordered the termination of all purchasing and
            Thirdly, the presence of the senior official Xia Yuanji was   manufacturing activities related to ships intended for
          an important factor in preventing the Xuande emperor from   maritime voyages.  It is likely that this edict was issued by
          quickly resuming maritime voyages. Xia served as the   senior officials under the emperor’s name, since by this time
          Minister of Finance in the latter part of the Yongle reign, and   the Xuande emperor was gravely ill and unable to attend
          resolutely opposed costly expansionist projects. His views   court audiences. He would pass away two days later. On the
          were crucial in shaping the content of the Hongxi emperor’s   day of his death, another Edict to Stop Collecting and Capturing
          enthronement edict, which the Xuande emperor followed.   (Tingzhi caibu chi 停止採捕敕) reaffirmed the ban on activities
          The Xuande emperor was also personally close to Xia, since   related to maritime voyages, in addition to the cancellation
          the official had guided and advised him when he was still the   of the gathering of rare flora and fauna.
          imperial ‘grandson-heir’ during the Yongle reign. After he   Curiously, the Edict to Stop Collecting and Capturing was
          became ruler, the Xuande emperor continued to ask for Xia’s   issued on the same day as the Xuande emperor’s
          advice on many aspects of government, so that Xia occupied   posthumous edict. Normally an emperor’s posthumous edict
          a pre-eminent position within officialdom.  The emperor   would be drafted by an official appointed to the task, and
          would not have easily resumed state-sponsored voyages as   issued under the deceased emperor’s name. The timing of
          long as Xia continued to oppose them.             the Edict to Stop Collecting and Capturing, and the fact that it

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