Page 40 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 40
HUANG BINHONG (1865-1955) Exhibited/展覽:
Landscape for Professor Liu Ruli, 1952 New Songs on Ancient Tunes, Honolulu Art Academy, Honolulu,
Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist with a Hawaii, August 30-October 28, 2007
dedication to Ruli and dated renchen, and signed Binhong with two 《古調新歌:費立哲神父珍藏十九及二十世紀中國書畫》,檀香山藝
artist’s seals Huang Binhong and Quzhu Huaibao. 術博物館,夏威夷,2007年8月30日至10月28日
37 3/4 x 16 7/8in (95.8 x 42.8cm)
$100,000 - 150,000 In the artist’s dedication, Huang Binhong offers this painting to an
academic companion, Liu Ruli (1910-1988), a professor of Western
黃賓虹 山水 設色紙本 立軸 一九五二年作 art history who studied with Xu Beihong, and taught at Nanjing Art
Academy (Nanjing Yishu Xueyuan) from 1950. A letter from Huang
Provenance/來源: Binhong to Liu Ruli documents the artist sending the academic a
Far East Fine Arts, San Francisco, California painting (See Huang Binhong Shuxin ji, Shanghai, 1999, p. 609).
加州舊金山遠東藝術中心 Another painting from 1952, Discourse on Tang Blue and Green
Painting, now in the collection of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum
Published/出版: uses the same palette of pale turquoise and ocher to recall the vibrant
Toda, Teisuke and Hiromitsu Ogawa comp. Comprehensive Illustrated multicolored landscapes of the Tang dynasty.
Catalogue of Chinese Paintings, Third Series, Volume 1: American and
Canadian Collections, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, A50-73, p. 208 上款人「汝醴」,為現代畫家、美術史家劉汝醴(1910-1988)先
戶田禎佑、小川裕充,《中國繪畫總合圖錄》三編,第一卷,東京大 生。劉汝醴師從徐悲鴻,後在南京藝術學院執教。《黃賓虹書信集》
學出版會,東京,2013年,A50-73,頁208 (上海古籍出版社,1990年,頁609)錄有藝術家致劉氏書信,其中
Little, Stephen, and J. May Lee Barrett, New Songs on Ancient Tunes: 人丹青圖》,亦施淺絳,留顯唐代青綠山水遺韻。
19th-20th Century Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Richard
Fabian Collection, Honolulu: Honolulu Academy of Arts,
2007, pp. 554-555
Little, Stephen, J. May Lee Barrett,《古調新歌:費立哲神父珍藏十九