Page 281 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 281


A SMALL CARVED CINNABAR LACQUER                                         明十六 / 十七世紀  剔紅布袋童子圖香盒

CIRCULAR ‘BUDAI’ INCENSE BOX AND COVER                                  來源
MING DYNASTY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY                                         名古屋私人珍藏,1940年代入藏

The box is of circular section, carved on the gently domed cover        據木盒蓋上標籤所示,此香盒曾為尾州(尾張)德川家藏品(圖一)。
with Budai with two boys. His left hand is holding a leaf-fan           尾張德川家為德川氏分家,德川御三家之一,明治維新後被列為華
and his right hand a ball. The base is carved with a leafy sprig of     族。1935年該家族於愛知縣名古屋市別邸遺址建立了德川美術館,
peaches, all against a diapered ground, the interior lacquered black.   保存了家族大部分的藏品,並將小部分藏品於1948年拍賣出售。
2 ¬ in. (6.6 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box

HK$120,000-180,000  US$16,000-23,000


Bishu Tokugawa family collection, Japan
A Japanese private collection, Nagoya, acquired in the 1940s

The cover of the Japanese wood box accompanying this lot bears the
label of the Bishu Tokugawa family (fig. 1), the Owari branch of the
Tokugawa clan. The majority of the collection assembled by this family
has been preserved in the Tokugawa Art Museum, Nagoya, while a
small part of the collection was sold through auction in 1948.

                                                                        fig. 1

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