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The vase is elegantly potted and decorated on either side with a Located in central Jiangxi province, the Jizhou kilns were perhaps
stenciled, stylized fowerhead reserved against a dark brown glaze, and the most daring, versatile and technically creative kilns of the Song
fxed-rings handles are on the shoulder. dynasty. Although they produced a wide variety of wares, including
northern-style white stonewares with molded and slip-painted
8¿ in. (21 cm.) high
designs, the kilns are most famous for their brown and black-glazed
wares, particulary those that exhibit the innovative techinque of using
openwork paper cutouts as stencils to create resist designs.
The present vase, along with a small group of dark-glazed ceramics, is
Russell Tyson (1867-1963) Collection, Chicago. a rare example of dark-glazed ware that display strong connections to
The Art Institute of Chicago, accessioned in 1964. the bronze tradition. The sharply-defned, thick lip and the mock ring-
handles of the present vase all link it to the contemporary bronzes of
LITERATURE Song date. For further discussion on the relationship between dark
R. D. Mowry, Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese
Brown-and-Black-Glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Cambridge, 1996, glazed ceramic wares and bronzes, and for a related Jizhou vase with
pp. 258-59, no. 106. dark-brown glaze, its shape derived from bronze hu, see R. D. Mowry,
Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers, p. 251-52, no. 102.
南宋 吉州窯剪紙貼花紋瓶
Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago.
RUSSELL TYSON (1867-1963)
Born in Shanghai and raised in Boston, Russell Tyson came to Chicago 泰羅素(Russell Tyson)生於上海,長於波士頓,於1893年至芝加哥
in 1893 to begin his career in the real estate frm Aldis & Company. 房地產公司Aldis & Company開展其事業版圖。泰氏對中國及韓國藝
Passionate about Chinese and Korean art, he became one of the 術情有獨鐘,窮其畢生支持芝加哥藝術博物館不遺餘力,且曾任該
strongest supporters of The Art Institute of Chicago, serving as a 館董事,榮譽副主席及亞洲藝術部咨詢委員會成員之一。1925年,
trustee, honorary vice president, and as a member of the Department of 泰氏與一群志同道合的藏家聯袂創辦東方雅集,以協助該館推動亞
Asian Art’s advisory committee. In 1922, he co-founded the Orientals, a 洲藝術。
group of like-minded patrons of The Art Institute of Chicago who were 泰氏在家族收藏的中國家具及文物伴隨下成長,而他自己開始收藏
committed to fostering the museum’s eforts in Asian art.
Tyson grew up surrounded by his family’s collection of Chinese furniture 美所深深吸引。其後泰氏的收藏逐漸延伸至中國紡織品,陶器及中
and works of art. In his own collecting, he was captivated frst by the 國、日本及印度書畫。然而其心之所向實為中國瓷器。泰式收藏之中
beauty of Korean ceramics during his travels to Korea prior to 1920. 國陶瓷包括芝加哥藝術博物館藏亞洲藝術多件重點藏品,其中包括
Subsequently, his tastes expanded to include Chinese textiles and 一件精美的唐代早期彩繪描金天王立像。
stonewares, as well as Chinese, Japanese and Indian painting. His
true devotion, however, was to Chinese ceramics. Tyson’s collection of
Chinese ceramics includes some of The Art Institute’s fnest pieces in
Asian art, such as the painted and gilded pottery fgure of an armored
guardian, dated to Tang dynasty, late 7th/early 8th century.
The Russell Tyson Gallery, dedicated in 1958, hosts the museum’s
permanent exhibition of Tang-dynasty art works.