Page 282 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 282


     A VERY RARE GILT-DECORATED RED LACQUER                                    明崇禎  朱漆描金龍鳳呈祥衣箱  

     ‘DRAGON AND PHOENIX’ CHEST                                                                        「大明崇禎年製」六字楷書豎款

     CHONGZHEN GILT SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN A LINE AND OF THE                    明末崇禎年間漆製家具帶款者極少,暫知一著錄例子,為
     PERIOD (1628-1644)                                                        出版《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系—明清傢俱(上)》,頁
     Of rectangular form, the chest is decorated in gold and black             長方形箱體型較大,其形制、尺寸、龍紋與故宮博物院藏明
     against a red ground, on the cover with a bracketed cartouche             紫檀龍戲珠紋箱相仿,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系明清
     depicting a phoenix perched on a branch surrounded by a                   傢俱(上)》,頁232,圖191,而尺寸及蓋面菱
     multitude of birds, on the sides with dragons amidst lotus scrolls.       花形開光又與該院藏明填漆戧金雲龍箱相近,見
     The front is mounted with a foliated lock plate with a hinged             《中國竹木牙角器全集5·傢俱》,頁134、135,
     clasp. The two sides are flanked by metal ring handles.                   圖123,應為崇禎年間宮廷或貴族所用之器,極
     36 5/8 in. (93 cm.) long                                                  為珍貴。

     HK$200,000-300,000  US$26,000-39,000

     It is extremely rare to find lacquer pieces from the Chongzhen reign.
     Compare to a Chongzhen-marked tianqi and qiangjin lacquer Luohan
     bed in the Palace Museum Collection, illustrated in The Complete
     Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Furniture of the Ming
     and Qing Dynasties (I), Shanghai, 2002, pl. 8. The rendition of the
     dragons on the current chest is very similar to that on a zitan chest in
     the Palace Museum Collection, illustrated ibid., pl. 191.

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