Page 201 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 201

161 ≈

An apple-green jadeite flattened rectangular vase and
19th century
The slender vase carefully incised on one side with two four-
clawed dragons amid wreathing cloud scrolls above waves
and on the other side with a single phoenix amongst clouds
and bamboo, all above the stepped foot and beneath
lappets at the neck flanked by reticulated handles shaped as
stylised chilong, the domed cover with cloud scrolls beneath
the finial carved with a row of lappets.
16.9cm (16 5/8in) high (2).
£5,000 - 8,000
HK$59,000 - 94,000 CNY47,000 - 75,000
十九世紀 翡翠雕龍鳳紋雙螭龍耳蓋瓶
Provenance: Major R. W. Cooper
Acquired through John Sparks, Ltd., London on 31 May
1963, from Christie’s London The Collection of Important
Chinese Jades formed by Major R. W. Cooper on 29 April
1963, lot 2
An English private collection
來源:R. W. Cooper少校
1963年5月31日經倫敦古董商John Sparks Ltd.購得,此拍
品原購自倫敦佳士得《R. W. Cooper少校重要中國玉器收藏

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