Page 320 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
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287 288
289 Various Owners 各方藏家
316 | Bonhams
A gilt-bronze figure of Amitayus
Qianlong, dated by inscription to gengyin year (corresponding to
The bodhisattva cast seated cross-legged with the hands resting in
dhyana mudra, the hair painted blue under a five-pointed crown, the
figure wearing a robe covering the left shoulder and seated on a cloth
falling over the tiered pedestal and a separately cast flaming mandorla
21cm (8¼in) (2).
£4,000 - 6,000
HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000
清乾隆1770年 銅鎏金無量壽佛坐像 陰刻「大清乾隆庚寅年敬造」楷
A gilt-bronze figure of Amitayus
Qianlong, dated by inscription to gengyin year (corresponding to
Cast seated in the lotus position with the hands held in dhyana mudra
in the lap, the hair piled in a high topknot behind a five-pointed crown
and falling in long tresses over the shoulder, the figure seated on a cloth
falling over the tiered pedestal and a separately cast flaming mandorla
21.5cm (8 5/8in) high (2).
£4,000 - 6,000
HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000
清乾隆1770年 銅鎏金無量壽佛坐像 陰刻「大清乾隆庚寅年敬造」楷