Page 338 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
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A gilt-splashed bronze two-handled incense burner A fine and rare large splashed-gilt bronze flaring baluster two-
Cast Xuande six-character mark, 17th/18th century handled vase
The almost spherical body flattened at the base and flanked by two
horned animal heads suspending loose-ring handles each formed as a Cast Kangxi six-character mark and of the period
circle of beads beneath the lipped rim, the body liberally splashed with gilt.
14cm (5½in) wide The rounded body raised on a flaring foot, the neck also broadly flaring
£5,000 - 8,000
HK$59,000 - 94,000 CNY47,000 - 75,000 and flanked by two elephant-head handles with long tusks and curving
十七/十八世紀 銅灑金雙獸耳活環爐 陽文「大明宣德年製」楷書款 trunks, the exterior, the underside and the inside of the neck attractively
scattered with irregular splashes of gleaming gilt.
39.8cm (15 5/8in) high
£40,000 - 50,000
HK$470,000 - 590,000 CNY380,000 - 470,000
清康熙 銅灑金雙象耳鳳尾尊 陽文「大清康熙年製」楷書款
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