Page 346 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 346
The Kettler Gate, Dongdan, Beijing, 315 This silver model of a memorial gate was
before 1918 A silver model of a memorial gate created in memory of the German Ambassador
Late Qing Dynasty to China, Clemens Von Ketteler (1853-1900)
342 | Bonhams The gate with four square columns incised who was killed on the streets of Beijing. This
at the bases with five decorative bands, the event was largely seen as the beginning of the
columns joined at the top by two rows of Boxer Rebellion in 1900.
horizontal beams linked by vertical struts
enclosing floral medallions, each archway The central high plaque is inscribed with the
surmounted by an inscribed plaque underneath Ambassador’s name in Chinese:
elaborate cornices supporting a separately “克林德”
modelled traditional pointed roof protected
by rows of mythical beast guardians along the From right to left, the inscriptions on the gate
corner ridges, fixed wood stand. reads:
24.8cm (9¾in) wide (4).
£3,000 - 5,000
HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000
清晚期 銀鐫刻三門四柱式紀念碑 庚子拳匪亂,駐京德欽使,遇害紀念碑
Provenance: an English private collection Which may be translated as:
來源:英國私人收藏 “In memory of those virtuous ambassadors
murdered in the capital, during the Boxer
Rebellion of 1900.”