Page 354 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 354

322 †                                                                     Provenance: formerly in an American private collection, brought back
                                                                          from China by missionaries at the turn of the 20th century (by repute).
A large cloisonné enamel flaring vase, fanggu
16th/17th century                                                         來源:早前的美國私人舊藏,傳由傳教士在十九世紀末二十世紀初期間從
Of square section, the central part enamelled on each side with a taotie  中國帶回美國
mask separated by flanges down the centre and at the edges, the upper
and lower flaring sections similarly enamelled with pairs of archaistic   Compare a related cloisonné enamel gu vase, dated to the second
phoenix with pink heads and stylised square green scrolling tails, also   half of the 17th century, in the Rietberg Museum, Zurich, illustrated by
separated by flanges.                                                     H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection,
58.5cm (23in) high                                                        New York, 1989, pl.178.
£50,000 - 70,000
HK$590,000 - 820,000 CNY470,000 - 660,000

十六/十七世紀 掐絲琺瑯饕餮紋方觚

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