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P. 356
323 The Property of a Gentleman Compare a related cloisonné enamel hu vase,
A cloisonné enamel tripod incense burner and 紳士藏品 dated to the second half of the 17th century, but
cover without gilt-bronze dragon handles, illustrated
Late Ming Dynasty A32r4ar*e and large cloisonné enamel vase, hu by H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinese Cloisonné: The
The rounded body enamelled with one green and Pierre Uldry Collection, New York, 1989, pl.183.
one red confronted five-clawed dragon reaching Kangxi For a smaller related example in the Palace
towards a red flaming pearl, two handles formed The boldly rounded body and flaring neck Museum, attributed to the early Qing Dynasty,
as bearded and crested winged dragons, the cover enamelled with four rows of continuous lotus but with taotie-mask ring handles, see Zheng
with three shou characters amidst cloud scrolls meander separated by narrow bands with leafy Xinmiao, ed., Compendium of Collections in the
beneath the reticulated gilt finial with a floral stem floral stems, raised on a high foot similarly Palace Museum: Enamel 2 - Cloisonné in the Qing
amid cloud scrolls, wood stand carved with lotus decorated, the neck flanked on each side by Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, pl.25.
and peach. a sprightly bearded dragon turning its head Compare a related cloisonné enamel hu vase and
18.5cm (7¼in) wide (3). outwards and arching its winged back to form a cover, with sanyang mounts, dated Wanli period,
£8,000 - 12,000 handle. sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong on 8 October 2010,
HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000 59cm (23¼in) high lot 2712.
明晚期 掐絲琺瑯雙龍戲珠紋雙龍耳蓋爐 £25,000 - 40,000
HK$290,000 - 470,000 CNY240,000 - 380,000
清康熙 掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋雙龍耳瓶
Provenance: a Western private collection
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