Page 359 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
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327  fig. 1 A cloisonné enamel incense burner, Qianlong
                                                  mark and period; image courtesy of the Palace Mu-
Two similar cloisonné enamel cylindrical incense  seum, Beijing.
burners, Qianlong marks and of the period
are in important museum collections: the first                                                        Fine Chinese Art | 355
in the Palace Museum is illustrated by Zheng
Xinmiao, ed., Compendium of Collections in
the Palace Museum: Enamels 2 - Cloisonné in
the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011,
pl.227 (see fig.1 right); and the second, in
the Rietberg Museum, Zurich, is illustrated
by H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinese Cloisonné:
The Pierre Uldry Collection, New York, 1989,
A similar cloisonné enamel cylindrical incense
burner, Qianlong mark and period, was sold at
Sotheby’s London on 11 May 2011, lot 207.
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