Page 56 - Jades from the Chang We Hwa collection Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 56

2736                             2737                             2738
         A JADE ‘DOUBLE-                  A JADE ‘DOUBLE-                  A PALE JADE
         DRAGON’ PENDANT,                 DRAGON’ PENDANT,                 ‘DOUBLE-DRAGON’
         HUANG                            HUANG                            PENDANT, HENG
         PERIOD, CIRCA 400-300 BC         PERIOD, CIRCA 400-300 BC         PERIOD, CIRCA 400-300 BC
         The arc-shaped pendant is carved with a   The arc-shaped pendant is carved with   The slender arc-shaped pendant is carved
         dragon's head with a split mouth on both   a dragon's head with a split mouth on   with a dragon's head on either end with
         ends with a conjoined body, carved with   either end with their bodies intertwined,   a long snout and a split mouth, and their
         comma spirals on both side and pierced   carved with comma spirals on both sides   bodies conjoined. Both sides are carved
         with a suspension hole to the centre and to   and pierced with a suspension hole to the   with comma spirals, with a tiny suspension
         one lower snout of the dragon. The semi-  centre. The stone is of mottled greenish-  hole to the centre.
         translucent stone is of pale greyish tone   white tone.           4…Õ/”ÿ in. (12.6 cm.) long, box
         with black speckling.            4Æ in. (12 cm.) long, box
         4¡ in. (11.2 cm.) long, box                                       HK$160,000-250,000
                                          HK$100,000-150,000                US$21,000-32,000
         HK$100,000-150,000                US$13,000-19,000
         US$13,000-19,000                                                  PROVENANCE
                                          PROVENANCE                       The Yangdetang Collection, acquired
         PROVENANCE                       The Yangdetang Collection, acquired in   before 1999 from E Yuan Tang Chinese
         The Yangdetang Collection, acquired in   Taipei in 1988           Art, Taipei
         Taipei in 1988
                                          The present pendant is very similar to the   Dragons found on pendants of the Mid-
         Compare three ‘double-dragon’ pendants   preceding lot in this sale, lot 2736 but more   Warring States period are characterised by
         of this shape excavated at the Guwei Village   slender in proportion. See lot 2736 for   their long upturned snouts, split mouths
         tomb site, Hui County, Henan Province, one   discussion on other similar pendants.   and triangular horns extending backwards.
         plain, the other two nearly identical to each                     It is interesting to note that the dragons on
         other and very similar to the present pendant                     the present pendant have an unusually long
         but with a more angular jaw, illustrated in   戰國中期   雙龍首玉璜        snout. Compare a very similar ‘double-dragon’
         Zhongguo yuqi quanji-3-Spring Autumn Period,                      pendant in the Yangdetang Collection,
         Hebei, 1993, nos. 195, 196, 197, respectively.                    illustrated in Jades of Warring States Period,
                                          來源                               Taipei, 2007, no. 68.
                                          養德堂舊藏,1988 年購於台北
         戰國中期   雙龍首玉璜
                                          此璜與本場拍賣拍品 2736 號近似,惟身形較細         戰國中期   雙龍首玉珩
                                          長。見拍品 2736 號關於其他近似例之討論。
         養德堂舊藏,1988 年購於台北                                                  來源
                                                                           養德堂舊藏,1999 年前購於台北一言堂
         龍玉璜,一光素無紋飾,其他二件近乎相同,                                              以線具拉切出張口翹鼻及後掠地三角形龍角的
         應為一組玉珮中的兩件飾物,亦與此十分相                                               雙龍紋造型於戰國中期極為盛行。此器上翹的
         近,惟鼻吻、下顎等處處理較為尖銳,見《中                                              龍鼻尤為誇張。比較養德堂藏一件極為類似的
         國玉器全集 -3- 春秋 戰國》,河北,1993 年,                                       雙龍玉珩,見《戰國玉器》,台北,2007 年,
         圖版 195、196、197 號。                                                 圖版 68 號。

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