P. 104
sash). According to the history of the 42 Kano Tan'yü his face is deeply wrinkled. The sharp
Kaihó family written in Yüchiku's time, Momota Ryüei (1647-1698) eyes, prominent hooked nose, tightly
this kosode and uchikake were gifts from hanging scroll; ink and color on paper closed lips, and square jaw nevertheless
lemitsu (1604-1651), the third Tokugawa 66.4 x 47.9 (26*78 x 187/3) convey the strength of the aging artist,
shogun, whom Myótei and Yüsetsu met Edo period, late i7th century who was to painting what Tokugawa
after Yüshó's death. The meeting was ar- leyasu was to politics.
ranged by lemitsu's wetnurse Kasuga no Kyoto National Museum Although there is no seal on the
Tsubone, the youngest daughter of Saitô Important Cultural Property painting, an inscription, Painted by Ryüei,
Toshimitsu, a military leader and close The painter Kano Tan'yü (1602-1674), the identifying the artist, is written on top of
friend of Yüshó. In this painting, Myótei is eldest son of Takanobu (cat. 18), not only the lid of the box that contains the scroll.
portrayed with her back to the viewer, giv- cemented the prestigious reputation of Momota Ryüei was one of four close disci-
ing prominence to the kosode and the the Kano school of painting, but also es- ples of Tan'yü. He served the Shimazu
uchikake decorated with the Tokugawa tablished the official painting style of the family of Satsuma Province (part of
mon of three hollyhock leaves, thus re- Edo period. This work is thought to be a present-day Kagoshima Prefecture) as a
cording for posterity the honor bestowed preparatory sketch for a finished painting, painter, and also practiced medicine. AY
on the Kaihô family. SY now lost, which was in the Kajibashi Kano
family of Edo, founded by Tan'yü and one
of the four Kano families that served the
With concentrated gaze, Tan'yü holds
a paintbrush in his right hand. He was
probably in his last years when this por-
trait was painted; he has lost much of his
hair, he is flabby around the mouth, and