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                  the Kamakura period. This trend toward  ing the brown sabi lacquer. The  wooden  The  figure wears the  formal attire of a
                  realism resulted in many fine portraits of  ceremonial slat (shaku)  in the  right hand is  high aristocrat of the  Heian period: a kan-
                  well-known personalities from  the  last half  a later addition.   SH   muri (formal hat  indicating court rank), a
                  of the thirteenth century on. Like the fig-                             tachi (slung sword), and  in his right hand a
                  ure  in cat. 43, Tokiyori wears an eboshi                               wooden ceremonial slat (shaku).  The  face
                  (black court headgear), a kariginu (hunting  45  Miura Yoshiaki         is old and wrinkled, but  the  concentrated,
                  robe), and sashinuki  (baggy pants tied  polychromed wood               severe gaze and the tightly closed lips con-
                  around the ankles). The  small eyes, which  h. 99.5 (391/8)             vey inner power.
                  gaze into the distance, mouth  turned  Kamakura period, i3th-i4th century   The head and body were made  from
                  slightly down at the outer corners, arid up-  Manshôji, Kanagawa Prefecture  two separate pieces of wood, front  and
                  turned nose capture the individuality of  The  warrior Miura Yoshiaki (Osuke,  1092-  back, and the head was separated from  the
                  the artist's model. The technical execu-                                body at the  neck for further hollowing-out
                  tion seems to place this work in the later  1180) wielded great power in the  Miura Pe-  and then reattached. The  eyes are crystal.
                                                      ninsula (Kanagawa Prefecture) and
                  half of the thirteenth  century.    surrounding areas in the late Heian pe-  Though the interior was hollowed out,  the
                      The  head and body are made of two                                  walls remain thick, making the statue very
                  pieces of Japanese cypress (hinoki),  one  riod. When Minamoto Yoritomo (1147-  heavy.
                  each  for front  and back; separate pieces  1199) rose to attack the  Taira clan, Yoshiaki  This portrait statue occupies  a shrine
                  are attached  for the  sides of the  body, legs,  led the Miura clan in support of Yoritomo.  called Gory ó My 5 j in in the  Manshôji com-
                  and the robe, and the  eyes are inlaid crys-  He was defeated by the Taira, and he died  plex. Goryô Myôjin was purportedly built
                                                      in battle. Yoritomo, having become sho-
                  tal. Cloth  was glued onto the  surface of                              in  1212. The  striking degree of stylization
                  the statue, then coated  with sabi urushi  gun  in  1192, built Manshôji in honor of  of the body suggests that the portrait was
                                                      Yoshiaki near the
                                                                    site of his death
                                                                                 in 1194.
                  (thick raw lacquer mixed with pulverized                                made much later, toward the end of the
                  stone) and over this undercoating black  An inscription inside the head of the  Kamakura period. Inside the body are
                                                      statue states that Minamoto Yoritomo
                  lacquer was applied followed by white pig-  built Manshôji for Yoshiaki.  three wooden tablets  documenting,
                  ment, and finally colored  pigments.  The                               among other things, the restoration of the
                  surface has deteriorated, however, expos-                               statue in  1719.               NK
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