Page 181 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 181

            A CELADON JADE ‘LIU HAI’          the craftsman has skillfully considered the   清十八 / 十九世紀   青玉雕劉海戲
            BOULDER                           composition in relation to the boulder and   金蟾山子
            QING DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH         incorporated the russet skin to not only ensure
            CENTURY                           minimal wastage of the precious stone but also   來源
                                              to heighten the naturalism of the scene, thus   J. C. Bishop 上尉收藏,1842年(傳)
            naturalistically carved in high relief as a rocky   inviting the viewer to enter its world and enjoy   倫敦佳士得1975年3月18日,編號213
            cavern, the immortal depicted standing on a   the playful interaction between Liu hai and his
            rocky ledge, with a jovial expression, leaning   three-legged toad. Jade boulders carved to
            forward over the precipice, a broom tucked   simulate landscapes or grottoes were favored
            under one arm, and holding a pearl in the other   by scholars. most feature scholars in nature
            hand, teasing the three-legged toad happily   and more rarely immortal figures such as
            positioned amid a rushing waterfall on the ledge   luohan, the Hehe Erxian or Liu hai, as in the
            below, the reverse with a tall pine tree in relief   present example.
            amid jagged rockwork, the stone with milky   a celadon and russet jade boulder of similar
            striations and russet inclusions  size but carved with a scene of luohan sold in
            Length 8¼ in., 21 cm              our London rooms 18th march 2014, lot 288.
                                              $ 40,000-60,000
            Collection of Capt. J. C. Bishop, 1842 (by
            Christie’s London, 18th march 1975, lot 213.

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