Page 183 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 183
propertY From a north amerICan tail, a further smaller lion poised atop its back, 清十八世紀 青白玉雕胡人戲獅
CoLLeCtIon also gazing upward, grasping the stem of a 擺件
A PALE CELADON JADE ‘FOREIGNER’ leafy chrysanthemum bloom, the stone of an
GROUP even pale celadon tone scattered with milky 來源
QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY opaque inclusions, wood stand (2) 香港蘇富比1992年10月28日,編號597
height 5⅛ in., 13 cm
finely carved, the standing figure with rounded PROVENANCE
eyes beneath thick eyebrows above an
exaggerated nose, the lips with a gentle smile sotheby’s hong Kong, 28th october 1992,
framed by a curly beard, wearing a pointed cap lot 597.
and clad in long, voluminous robes, clutching see a closely related carving of the same
a brocade ball in one hand, the other securing subject matter, formerly in the collection of
a leash attached to the upturned snout of a t.Y. Chao, sold in our hong Kong rooms, 30th
seated lion, the animal with furrowed eyebrows november 2017, lot 380.
above bulging eyes and flaring nostrils, further
detailed with a long flowing mane and bushy $ 20,000-30,000