Page 334 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 334
propertY From a north amerICan prIVate PROVENANCE 清康熙 五彩麒麟瑞鳥圖大盤
Collection of antoinette h. (d. 1988) and
A LARGE FAMILLE-VERTE DISH Frederick J. Van slyke (d. 1968). 《大明嘉靖年製》仿款
QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD sotheby’s new York, 19th april 1989, lot 332. 來源
well painted in bright enamels highlighted with $ 20,000-30,000 Antoinette H. (1988年逝) 及 Frederick J. Van
gilt, the central medallion with a lush, fenced Slyke (1968年逝) 伉儷收藏
garden with peony, magnolia, and prunus, 紐約蘇富比1989年4月19日,編號332
a qilin crouched among the large blossoms,
gazing back at a peacock perched atop pierced
rockwork, a pheasant and a phoenix soaring
above, the cavetto with panels of beasts, birds,
and foliage alternating with bands of scrolled
floral vines, the underside with blossoming
branches painted in iron-red and green enamel,
the base inscribed with an apocryphal Jiajing
Diameter 22 in., 56 cm
332 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art