Page 329 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 329

            propertY From a north amerICan prIVate   Peach Blossom Spring, a poem composed   過渡期 約1640年   青花桃花源記
            CoLLeCtIon                        by tao Yuanming (365-427 a.D.) during the   人物故事圖筆筒
            A LARGE BLUE AND WHITE ‘PEACH     chaotic time of the northern and southern
            BLOSSOM SPRING’ BRUSHPOT          Dynasties, recounts the fabulous tale of a   來源
                                              fisherman accidentally entering a fragrant,
            TRANSITIONAL PERIOD, CIRCA 1640   beautiful land of blossoming peach trees.   香港蘇富比1988年5月17至18日,編號157
                                              the inhabitants of the land are welcoming to
            of cylindrical section, painted with a continuous
            narrative depicting various scenes from Peach   the stranger and wish to hear about his life.
            Blossom Spring; the fisherman alone in a   they reveal to him that they are descendant
            sampan, encountering a sage in the mystical   from people who fled during difficult times in
            forest, and a boy sharing the news of the   the Qin dynasty, never leaving their beautiful
            mysterious visitor, all within heavy scrolling   and harmonious secret world to reenter the
            clouds enveloping the mystical mountain and   chaos and hardship of society. Upon learning
            riverscape, the scene painted in rich shades of   of current events they are shocked, having
            blue between multiple incised line borders  never heard of the subsequent han, Wei, or Jin
            height 8 in., 20.8 cm             dynasties. the fisherman stays in the magical
                                              land for several days, and when departing
            PROVENANCE                        is warned that there is no use in sharing his
                                              story with others. Indeed, despite desperate
            sotheby’s hong Kong, 17th-18th may 1988,
            lot 157.                          searching, no one ever recovers the way to
                                              ‘peach Blossom spring’.
                                              $ 50,000-70,000

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