Page 152 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 152

(i368-i644)-The most spectacular sarTra discovery      Buddhism, depending largely on "mysteries" taught
was made in 1987 at the Famen Temple ("Temple          and transmitted by Esoteric masters, developed
of the Gate to the Law"), in Fufeng county, west of    from the fifth century ce as part of a most complex
Xi'an, Shaanxi Province (cats. 63-65). There the       religio-philosophic movement.
Chinese excavators claim to have found (among
                                                       —Each Buddhist school there were eight major
much else) four authentic finger bones (fogu) of       —schools by the Tang period emphasized different

Sakyamuni.The sarira were well preserved and           aspects of faith and worship and thus favored
concealed in precious reliquaries in the Tang          particular figures from the vast pantheon. Sacred
dynasty underground palace (digong) of the Famen       texts offered clear-cut descriptions of the special
Temple's sixteenth-century octagonal brick pagoda.     qualities and appearance of the Buddha and all the
The collapse of the pagoda in 1981 made possible       other figures of the Buddhist pantheon, providing a
the investigation of its crypt. Thus well-known        basic assurance of iconographic correctness and

literary evidence for the cult of relics, such as Han  conformity.' 5
Yu s (768—824) forthright memorial to the Throne
(819) condemning veneration of the Buddha's            In artistic representations the Buddha's ideal figure
bones, was substantiated more than a millennium        appears very austere in stature, pose, and dress.
                                                       Usually, his modest monk's robe and the near
later by archaeological evidence.                      absence of specific attributes and individualizing
                                                       features convincingly indicate his holy status of
HanYu had serious grounds for protest.                 utmost unworldliness (cats. 147-49, 156, 162). Such

Sakyamuni's physical remains had several times been    utter simplicity gives his human figure a lofty

carried in lavish procession between Famen Temple      majesty. Several unusual, seemingly aesthetic or
                                                       miraculous features were assigned to the Buddha.
and the Tang capital, a distance of more than 100
                                                       They are manifestations of the Sacred, and basically
kilometers. Like many conservative literati of the
                                                       statements of ontological quality, like the mudras,
day, HanYu was appalled by the religious frenzy        the gestures (literally, "seal marks"; C: yin[xiangj)
                                                       formed with the hands to convey such actions as
pervading all strata of society, and he proposed       preaching, meditating, wish granting, protecting, or

drastic measures to suppress the enormous              releasing from fear. The Buddha's thirty-two major

influence of the Buddhist church. When, in 819, the    distinguishing physical marks are called lakshana

Famen Temple finger-bone relics were received by       (C: xiang). One of the most important is the

an enthusiastic crowd in Chang'an and temporarily      protuberance on top of his head symbolizing the
                                                       absolute perfect wisdom of the Enlightened One. It
placed on view at the imperial palace, he wrote the    is usuaUy referred to by the Sanskrit term ushntsha
                                                       (C: rouji or dingxiang); ancient Buddhist scriptures
Lunfogu biao ("Memorial Discussing the Buddha's        sometimes explain it as a "mark of the crown that
                                                       is invisible" to ordinary people and list it as the
Bones") and presented it to the Throne. HanYu          sixty-sixth among the eighty minor distinctive
                                                       marks of the Buddha. Another sign of supreme
criticized His Majesty in harsh words: "You are . . .  enlightenment is the lima on his forehead;
                                                       originally a white curl (C: baihao) between the
putting on for the citizens of the capital this        Buddha's eyebrows, it was later simplified to a light-
                                                       emanating spot that illuminated the world. Most of
extraordinary spectacle which is nothing more than     the exceptional marks and supernatural qualities
                                                       were either derived from legends associated with
Nowa sort of theatrical amusement. . . .     that the  the Buddha's life and virtues or devised as symbols
                                                       of ultimate truth beyond human imagination, of
Buddha has long been dead, is it fitting that his      unworldly beauty, holy distinction, and the sublime
                                                       power of omnipresence.
decayed and rotten bones, his ill-omened and filthy
                                                       In accordance with their salvific mandate,
remains, should be allowed to enter in the             bodhisattvas appear less austere and inward than

forbidden  precincts  of the  palace?  .  .   Without  figures of the Buddha in sculpture and painting.
                                                       Bodhisattvas are compassionate figures "whose
                                             .         essence is enlightenment." Renouncing their own
                                                       salvation and immediate entrance into nirvana, they
reason you have taken up unclean things and            devote all their power and energy to saving
                                                       suffering beings in this world. As intercessionary
examined them in person."' 4                           figures, majestic in power and sublime in


Three major doctrinal divisions, emerging
successively, coexisted within the Buddhist faith.
First in time is HTnayana, the "Small Vehicle," a
conservative form of Buddhism based almost
exclusively on the Pah canon and asserting that

enlightenment comes only through one's own
efforts. The second is Mahayana, the "Great

Vehicle," the doctrinal outlines of which seem to
have been formulated in India as early as the first
century bce, advocating salvation for everyone
through the assistance of a vast pantheon of
compassionate divinities. The third is Esoteric
Buddhism, also called tantric orVajrayana
("Diamond Vehicle") Buddhism, known in China
as mijiao, "Secret Teachings." This form of

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