Page 155 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 155

mother, brothers and sisters, wife and children           Chinese sculptors rarely had the opportunity to see

below all may perceive the correct Law [of the            Western Buddhist monuments with their own eyes.
                                                          Only now and then could they draw inspiration
Buddha] ."There follows a panegyric in four verses
on the prospects of salvation, the true marks ot the      from major Western prototypes that had been
Buddha's body becoming manifest, cause and effect,        imported or officially presented to the court or to a
illusion and rebirth, and finally on salvation in         renowned temple in China. Instead, sculptors had to
                                                          rely largely on oral descriptions by missionaries and
AAmitabha's paradise. red sandstone stele more            returning pilgrims, perhaps on their sketches and
                                                          drawings made en route, on manuals handed down,
than sixty years older than the Sui altar was
unearthed in 1954 at the ancient site of theWanfo         —and on images made for private worship small and

Temple ("Thousand Buddha Temple"), at Chengdu             therefore easily portable.

in Sichuan Province (cat. 150). Tradition holds that      —Canonical scriptures some of Indian origin, some
the Wanfo Temple was established shortly after the        —apocryphal contain detailed accounts of the
middle of the second century; under the Liang
                                                          imagining, in the true meaning of the word, of
dynasty (502—557) it was known as Anpu Temple             Buddhist deities. These compilations of ritual
                                                          prescriptions read like iconographic handbooks.
("Temple of the Peaceful Riverbank"), and under           They provide accurate descriptions of the figures
the Tang (618-907) as Jingzhong Temple ("Temple           with all their features and attributes. Although no
                                                          early Chinese manuals on designing and making
of the Cleansed Multitude"). The first Buddhist           Buddhist images have survived, there must have

sculptures were discovered at this site in 1882.          — —been guides plus strong oral traditions with
Subsequent investigations in 1937, 1945, and
1953-54 brought to light a total of about two             rules, instructions, perhaps even illustrations. The
hundred figures and fragments (cats. 151, 163, 168,
                                                          famous Pmtiinamana laksliana was translated from a
176). The elaborate configuration of this stele
depicts the standing Buddha Sakyamuni surrounded          Tibetan version as late as 1742 by the Manchu
                                                          prince Gongbu Chabu and published under the
Aby pairs of bodhisattvas, deities, and disciples.
                                                          title Zaoxiang liangdu jing ("Classic of Measurements
scenic composition in shallow relief on the rear of       for Making [Buddhist] Images"). 18 As with the
the stele shows Sakyamuni worshiped by                    canon of classical Greek sculpture, Buddhist
                                                          imagery followed elaborate rules: proportions and
ceremonially aligned men and women in a                   measurements of a figure were of fundamental
                                                          significance and may be traced back to the old
landscape setting as he sits in meditation under a        Indian iconometric system called talomana.' 9 The
                                                          Buddhist "doctrine of measuring icons" (S:
tree. The inscription below may be translated:            pratimamana) is based on various modules. For
                                                          example, the smallest unit is the width of a finger
    On the eighth day of the third month in the           (S: angula; C: zhiliang). Next comes the span of a

     fourth year of the Putong [era] of the Liang         hand (S: tala or vitasti; C: shouliang): this maximum
     [dynasty, i.e., 523] the [Buddha] disciple Kang      distance between tips of thumb and middle finger
     Sheng, upon his awakening, reverently had one
                                                          corresponds to the length of the face from hairline
    stone image of Sakyamuni made. We pray that
                                                          to the tip of the chin. The length of the forearm
     his present relatives may always be at peace and     from elbow to the tip of the thumb (C: zhouliang)
     quiet, and that by giving up the world [entering
     priesthood] his body will be blessed with            constitutes another unit. Standard measurements of
     receiving a state in which he forever will see the   this sort provide the fabric and grid for the canon
    Buddha and hear his Law. May his fathers and          of proportions. Although derived from parts of the

     mothers for the past seven generations, together     human body, the proportions were not used to
     with all sentient beings, share one and all in this
                                                          represent observed reality or to depict the natural
    prayer. May they quickly attain Buddhahood
                                                          beauty and harmony of the human figure. Rather,
     and altogether magnificent salvation.
                                                          this system of proportions embodies spiritual and
ON THE PRODUCTION AND ICONOMETR.Y                         metaphysical laws of the Sacred, symbolic norms of
A few Buddhist image makers may have been                 abstract character: it prescribes different
                                                          mathematical relationships for the various categories
ecclesiastics or artists loosely associated with a        of figures, according to their level ot existence in
religious institution; most were probably
                                                          the Buddhist pantheon. Multiples of the modules
professional lay craftsmen who may have been              determine the size of a standing or .1 seated figure
                                                          as well as the height and proportions ol .1 Buddha,
organized in workshops through which they                 bodhisattva. deity, guardian, or an ordinary human
handed down their technical skills and experience         being. In sculpture, configurations are dominated by
to following generations. Ancient Chinese prejudice       this principle of hieratic scaling. Individual figures
condemned even the most talented masters in the           are also distinguished h\ then volume and
laborious art of sculpture to social inferiority and
anonymity. Not until the end of the Tang dynasty is
any individual sculptor known to have left his

signature on an extant work. A few sculptors are

known by name solely through literary sources.

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