Page 158 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 158

corresponds to the year 471. The soft modeling and       Trailokyavijaya (C: Xiangsanshi; "Victor over the
                                                          Three Worlds [of greed, hatred, and folly]) (cat. 170).
 conspicuous parallel folds of the drapery suggest
 that the sculptor intended to transfer the qualities of  One of his characteristic attributes is the ancient
 a molded clay prototype into stone carving, which
                                                          Indo-Aryan vajra, the magic thunderbolt or
may reflect stylistic influences from Taxila in           diamond scepter (C: jingangchu), which symbolizes
 Gandhara (in present-day Pakistan) or Bamiyan in         the diamond-like, indestructible character of the
                                                          ultimate truth. In one of his emanations,
 Afghanistan.                                             Trailokyavijaya has three, sometimes even four heads
                                                          and eight arms. His furious, scowling visage, with
A great variety of freestanding Buddhist sculptures       bulging eyes, bestial fangs, and knotted eyebrows
                                                          expresses his holy wrath (S: krodha; C: fennu), while
have been preserved from the Tang dynasty                 his combative attitude and flamboyant hair point to
                                                          his destructive energies and militant opposition to
(618-907). One of the finest works is the white
                                                          evil, both physical and spiritual. The Bodhisattva
marble torso of a standing bodhisattva that was           HayagrTva, the "horse-headed" Matou Guanyin, also
excavated in the old precincts of Daminggong, the         has three heads and eight arms. He is shown sitting
Tang imperial "Palace of Great Brightness," in Xi'an      on a lotus-and-rock pedestal in front of an aureole
 (cat. 165). Only traces of gold and colors remain on     of swirling flames. Another prominent member of

the polished stone surface. The attractively rounded,     the Esoteric Buddhist pantheon is the mystic
swelling forms of the body and the pliant pose            Buddha of the South, Ratnasambhava (C: Baosheng;
imbue this statue with the sensuous and tactile
beauty that so emphatically marks Tang sculpture at       "Producer of Treasures"). This figure, now headless,

its zenith, about the middle of the eighth century.       is seated with legs crossed in vajrdsana pose (legs
                                                          folded in the "adamant," or unshakable, posture) on
The triple-bend posture, or tribhahga, suggesting a       a lotus throne that rests on seven winged horses

gentle sway at the hips, demonstrates the sculptor's      (cat. 171). Among the finest works in this group of
interest in organic movement. At the same time this
torso shows the influence of India's mature Gupta         marble sculptures is the image of Manjusn
                                                          (C:Wenshu), one of the agents of the Buddha
art. An elegant scarf across the naked chest and a        Sakyamuni (cat. 172). In his left hand he holds the

dhoti covering the lower body are draped in               Astem of a lotus. palm-leaf book of Indian type
graceful folds and pleats that closely follow the
                                                          placed on the blossom above his left shoulder allows
Aforms of the body. precious necklace contributes         us to identify him as the Bodhisattva of Great

to the effects of elegant courtly refinement,             Wisdom. His cultic center was on Mount Wutai in
splendor, and grandeur.                                   Shanxi Province, which was thought to be his

A totally different stylistic approach is seen in a       sacred abode. Richly adorned with heavy jewelry,
                                                          Manjusn is seated on an elaborate throne of
nearly contemporaneous sandstone torso of a               overlapping lotus petals. Deeply sculptured, scrolling
powerful guardian figure (cat. 168). This statue was      leaves create an almost baroque quality.
excavated in 1954 at the site of the Tang dynasty
Jingzhong Temple (known as Wanfo Temple in late           The sculptural refinement of all these marble statues

Han times) at Chengdu, in Sichuan Province. The           and fragments is exceptional. Their subtle and

threatening attitude of the robust guardian deity and     —elaborate surface treatment including the original
his physical dynamism testify to his role as protector    —polychromy and gilding attests to the artist's or
of the sanctuary. Forceful workmanship creates an
almost overly emphatic, manneristic muscularity,          the metropolitan atelier's remarkable technical skill
reinforced by manneristic elements in the agitated        and sensitivity in imparting a forceful expressiveness
treatment of the garment.                                 and an extraordinary lively grace to the works. In

TANG MARBLE SCULPTURE FROM THE                            their original setting the icons may have constituted
                                                          a complete mandala. It is likely that they were
In the arts of Esoteric Buddhism flourishing under
the Tang dynasty, wrathful figures such as vidyarajas     commissioned for the great Anguo Temple
and bodhisattvas in their awesome (S: krodha)
                                                          ("Temple for Pacifying the Country") in Chang'an,
incarnations played a prominent role. Of ten icons        which historical records locate at the ancient
                                                          Changle ward in the immediate neighborhood of
made of finely grained white marble with traces of        the imperial palaces, just outside present-day Xi'an.
gold and polychromy, excavated in 1959 in the old         Local government workers digging for a water
Changle ward of the Tang capital Chang'an, at least       conduit discovered the sculptures, several in badly
eight qualify as members of the Esoteric Buddhist         damaged condition, in a small tunnel; they had been
pantheon (cats. 166, 170-72). Two depict the              buried deep and were found at a depth of over ten
ferocious-looking Bright King Budong                      meters.
(S: Acalafnatha];" Immovable One"), who was the
unshakable, indomitable adherent and protector of         The Anguo Temple was founded in 710. According
the Buddhist Law. Two other terrifying deities on         to Duan Chengshi's (d. 863) Sitaji ("Notes on
bizarre, layered rock pedestals most likely represent

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