Page 160 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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bao gantong In ("Catalogue of                                                          Weinstein, Buddhism under the     (as measured from the tip of
the Salvific Influence of the                                                                                            the outstretched thumb to the
Three Jewels on China's                                                                T'ang (New York and               tip of the middle finger) [or] a
Assembled [Temples and                                                                 Melbourne: Cambridge              span of time (as marked off
Pagodas]"), in Taisho shinshu                                                                                            and articulated by audible and
daizokyo (Tokyo, 1927; reprint,                                                        University Press, 1987), p. 104.  silent gestures performed by
Tokyo: Taish5 shinshu daizokyo                                                                                           the hand[s])." See Kapila
kankokai, i960), vol. 52,                                                              15. Mahayana doctrines hold       Vatsyayan, ed., Kalatattvakos'a,
no. 2106, p. 413c.                                                                     that the Buddha exists simulta-
                                                                                       neously in three essentially      A Lexicon of Fundamental
6. Soper, Literary Evidence, p. 4.
                                                                                       identical "bodies": the           Concepts of the Indian Arts,
7. Soper, Literary Evidence, p. 4.                                                     dharmakaya, the samhhogakaya,     vol- 2, Concepts of Space and

8. See Daoxuan, Ji shenzhou                                                           and the nirmanakaya. The           Time, ed. Bettma Baumer
sanbao gantong lit, chap. 2,                                                           dharmakaya, or true "body of      (New Delhi: Sri Jainendra
pp. 416c—417a.                                                                        the Law" (C: fashen), transcends
                                                                                      personality and the multitude      Press, 1992), pp. 333, 335.
9. Daoxuan, Ji shenzhou sanbao                                                         of forms and colors in the
gantong hi, p. 416c. Translation,                                                     phenomenal world. Thus, it         20. See Taisho shinshu daizokyo
with minor changes by Soper,                                                                                             (Tokyo, 1928; reprint, Tokyo:
                                                                                      can neither be depicted, nor       Taisho shinshu daizokyo
in Literary Evidence, p. 21; for                                                      expressed in words, nor con-       kankokai, 1968), chap. 11,
the Chinese text, see                                                                  templated by the unenlight-       vol. 50, no. 2059, p. 397a.

"Quotations and Technical                                                             ened human mind. The sam-          21. See the translation by
Terms," in Literary Evidence,                                                         bhogakaya, or "body of requital"
p. 296: G.                                                                                                               Alexander C. Soper, "A
                                                                                       (C: baoshen), is the Buddha's     Vacation Glimpse of the T'ang
10. Yang Xuanzhi, Luoyang                                                             level of existence upon enter-     Temples of Ch'ang-an:The
                                                                                      ing Buddhahood as a result of      Ssu-t'a Chi by Tuan Ch'eng-
qielan ji, in Taisho shinshu                                                          vows, exercises, and religious
daizokyo, vol. 51, no. 2092,                                                          merit. This aspect of the          shih," Ardbus Asiae 23, no. 1
                                                                                                                         (i960), pp. 23f.The Taisho
p. 1000a; translation by Wang,                                                        Buddha may be visualized by        shinshu daizokyo, vol. 51,
                                                                                      enlightened beings. The            no. 2093, pp. 1022b— 1024a,
Record of Buddhist Monasteries,                                                       nirmanakaya, or "shadow body"      gives only an abridged version
pp. i6f.                                                                                                                 of the text.
                                                                                      (C: yingshen), is the Buddha's
1 1. Translation, with minor                                                          perceptible incarnation for the
changes, by Roger Goepper,                                                            benefit of unenlightened sen-
"Some Thoughts on the Icon                                                            tient beings. In the aspect of
in Esoteric Buddhism in East                                                          this body, the devotee is able to
                                                                                      perceive the Buddha as a
Asia," in Studia Sino-Mongolica:
Festschrift fur Herbert Franke,                                                       human figure, in the person of
                                                                                      Sakyamuni.The latter two bod-
herausgegeben von Wolfgang
Bauer, Miinchener                                                                     ies are also referred to as
Ostasiatische Studien, vol. 25
(Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner                                                             nipakaya, "form bodies" or
                                                                                      "color bodies" (C: seshen).
Verlag, 1980), p. 248.                                                                Images for worship and devo-
                                                                                      tion may be made only of
12. See Arthur E Wright, "Tang                                                        these two bodies.

T'ai-tsung  and                                                                7  in  16. See Taisho shinshu daizokyo
                                                                                      (Tokyo, 1925; reprint, Tokyo:
                 Buddhism,'                                                           Taisho shinshu daizokyo
                                                                                      kankokai, 1964), vol. 16, no.
Arthur E Wright and Denis                                                             692, p. 788a; Robert H. Scharf,
                                                                                      trans., "The Scripture on the
Twitchett, eds., Perspectives on                                                      Production of Buddha
                                                                                      Images," in Religions of China,
the T'ang (New Haven and                                                              p. 265.

LondomYale University Press,                                                          17. Scharf, trans., "Production
                                                                                      ot Buddha Images" p. 266.
1973), p. 256.
                                                                                       18. Taisho shinshu daizokyo
13. Soper, Literary Evidence,                                                         (Tokyo, 1928; reprint, Tokyo:
                                                                                      Taisho shinshu daizokyS
pp. i5f. Cf. also in Daoxuan                                                          kankokai, 1968), vol. 21,
Guang hongmingji ("Expanded                                                           no. 1419, pp. 936-56.
Collection on Propagating the
Light"), the panegyric on the                                                         19. "The word taia, of ancient
celebrated icon by Dao'an's                                                           origin and uncertain deriva-
distinguished disciple Huiyuan                                                        tion, has from a very early time
(334_4i6), in Taisho shinshu                                                          served as a basic term for the
                                                                                      standard of measure (pramana)
daizokyo, vol. 52, no. 2103,                                                          in the visual and performing
p. 198D-C                                                                             arts. . . .The basic meaning of

14. Translation, with minor                                                           —taia is 'span' a span of space
changes, by James Hightower,
in Edwin O. Reischauer,
Ennin's Travels in China (New
York: Reginald Press, 1955),
pp. 223f.; and in Stanley

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