Page 156 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 156

placement. In relief representations, for example        ancient times this technique was mainly reserved
(cats. 150, 161), they range from the central figure of  for dedicatory inscriptions. Portable miniature altars
the Buddha, on his supreme level of transcendence,       and small icons for private worship stood more
                                                         chance of preservation than did the monumental
who stands out against the background and is             temple bronze statuary, almost all of which was
                                                         destroyed in the course of infrequent but ferocious
carved almost completely in the round, to the            persecutions of Buddhism or in other disasters, such
                                                         as revolts, wars, earthquakes, fires, or floods.
worldly donors, who occupy subordinate positions

at the bottom and the edges and are rendered in
low relief or simple line engraving.

Artists in the service of Buddhism sought to             CATEGORIES OF CHINESE BUDDHIST
represent their religious figures with stylized beauty
                                                         The spread of Buddhism and its art can to some
and sumptuous splendor, using a complex system of
idealization beyond human forms. It was their aim        extent be traced through the chronological

to visualize the sacred essence of the faith through     sequence of the establishment of cave-temples. The

majestic manifestation of the deities, through their     architecture of the earliest Chinese cave-temples
                                                         follows Central Asian models and clearly reveals its
serene nobility, and through their lavish                Indian origins. Textual evidence suggests that the

—adornment an aesthetic quality called alamkara in       first was built in 366 at Dunhuang in the extreme

Sanskrit (C: zhuangyan) .The fine linear engraving       northwest, a junction of the great trade routes and a
on a horizontal panel depicting the Buddha               gateway to Western influence. Soon afterward,
                                                         extensive work was carried out in the southeast and
surrounded by bodhisatrvas and disciples suggests a      east. The construction of the Bingling cave-temple

convincing vision of the reward awaiting pious           at Mount Xiaojishi in northwestern Yongjing
                                                         county, Gansu Province, seems to have begun early
believers in paradise (cat. 152). Highlighted by a
                                                         in the fifth century; in 1963 a votive inscription in
large mandorla and seated beneath a precious
                                                         ink bearing a Western Qin date corresponding to
canopy, the central figure can probably be identified    420 was discovered in Cave 169. The cave-temple at

as "Sakyamuni Preaching the Law." Subsidiary             Maijishan, east ot the ancient Buddhist center of

figures, "varied in pose and expression, are             Liangzhou in Tianshui county, Gansu Province, may
                                                         have been founded at about the same time. In his
hierarchically grouped in front of luxuriant trees.
                                                         biographical account Gaoseng zhuan ("Lives of
This hierarchical symmetry and concern with three-       Eminent Monks"), Huijiao (497—554) records that

dimensional form extends to the entire                   the monkTanhong from Chang' an, who was living

composition, inviting comparison with wall               as a hermit at Maijishan in the early 420s, was
                                                         joined there by another monk, Xuangao. 20 At that
paintings of Buddhist paradise scenes in cave-           time, a congregation of more than a hundred

temples. The fluent draftsmanship creates                monks is said to have resided at Maijishan.

an exquisite pictorial effect that must have been        The first series of cave-chapels atYungang, near
                                                         Datong in Shanxi Province, was begun at the
considerably heightened by the now-vanished              instigation of the monk Tanyao in 460 under the
                                                         patronage of the Northern Wei sovereigns. Far into
Onpolychromy.  both sides the figures are flanked
                                                         the sixth century caves with sculptural ensembles
by a long dedicatory inscription dated in                continued to be carved into the rock. In 493 the
                                                         Tuoba ruler Xiaowen (r. 471—499) abandoned the
accordance with 524, making this Northern Wei            flourishing and populous center of Datong and
panel from Jingming Temple in Luoyang one of the
                                                         transferred the Wei court to Luoyang in Henan
most valuable early monuments in China's history         Province. This move into the heartland of Chinese

of religious figure painting. To suggest these           civilization was a significant historical event and a
                                                         profoundly political statement. Soon afterward, the
visionary conceptions of paradises and the               laborious chiseling of cave-temples with extensive
                                                         sculptural programs began afresh on a long cliff of
suprahuman character ot their sacred figures, artists    dark gray limestone at Longmen, seven miles south

rendered their icons ageless, passionless, and           of the new capital. At Gongxian, approximately
                                                         forty miles downstream from Longmen, caves with
flawless, wearing an introspective, compassionate
                                                         superb sculptures were carved in a colossal cliffside
expression (cats. 163, 164, 166, 174, 176). Only
                                                         overlooking the Luo River. A votive inscription
figures of lesser sanctity were represented with a
                                                         dated in accordance with 531 has been discovered
degree of pictorial realism.                             under niche 227 outside Cave 5.

The materials Chinese artists used for Buddhist

images varied greatly over region and time. Besides
bronze, clay, and lacquer, various kinds of stone and

wood were very popular. We find sculptures made

of sandstone, limestone, schist, and marble as well as
statues carved in sandalwood, camphor, and pine.
As a rule, they received a polychrome finish over

preparatory coatings (cats. 161, 170-73). The
technique for casting bronze icons employed
traditional molds as well as the lost-wax method

(cats. 160, 169). Overall fire gilding was favored.

Additional engraving may be seen occasionally; in

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