Page 159 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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Temples and Pagodas"), published in 853, the Anguo     anatomy. Thus, the robes do not drape easily; on the       NOTES
Temples Buddha Hall was originally the bed-            contrary, they are stiffly modeled and rigidly
chamber hall of the emperor Xuanzong (r.                                                                          1. Robert H. Sharf. "The
712—756). 2I The structure was purportedly             symmetrical, creating a rather austere, disincarnat&-      Scripture in Forty-Two
                                                                                                                  Sections," in Religions of China
dismantled and transferred to the temple grounds       image, but one of compelling majestic poise. By the        in Practice, ed. Donald S. Lopez.
by imperial decree in 713. Its main image seems to     end of the fifth century all the stylistic idioms of       Jr., Princeton Readings in
have been a Maitreya statue that frequently emitted    Buddhist sculpture that had reached China from
miraculous light. Unfortunately, there is no mention   Gandhara, India, and Central Asia had been slowly          Religions (Princeton:
of any other icons. As a renowned study center for                                                                Princeton University Press,
                                                       assimilated into a consistent Chinese declaration of        IQQ 6), P- 360; for a concise
Esoteric Buddhism and a colossal monument to           faith and zeal. Throughout the first half of the sixth     introduction to and full transla-
                                                       century traditional styles and motifs persisted in the     tion of the text, ibid..
piety and the arts in the capital city of Chang' an,   Chinese Buddhist sculptor's art, but from about the        pp. 360-71 ; and for the
                                                       mid-sixth century a novel style was evolving in            Chinese version see Taislto
the Anguo Temple was a chief target in the violent     north China.                                               shinshu daizokyo, ed.Takakusu
persecution of 845. Anti-Buddhist iconoclasts may                                                                 Junjiro and Watanabe Kaigyoku
                                                       The sculpture of the Northern Qi and Sui periods           (Tokyo, 1925; reprint, Tokyo:
have buried the sculptures at such a great depth                                                                  Taisho shinshu daizokyo
because they feared revenge and punishment             is clearly distinct from earlier linear, geometric         kankokai, 1968), vol. 17,
through the magical powers of the terrifying deities                                                              no. 784, pp. 7223—7243.
                                                       treatments of Buddhist images. In this new stage of
embodied in the images. The turmoil                    the development we see a genuine attempt to                2. See Taisho shhisltu daizokyo
accompanying general An Lushan's insurrection of       indicate the human body beneath the garments, an           (Tokyo, 1928; reprint, Tokyo:
                                                                                                                  Taisho shinshu daizokyo
755-763 had far-reaching negative effects, not only    attempt that was stimulated by Indian influences of        kank5kai, 1973), vol. 51,
on the subsequent political, economic, and social      the classic Gupta period. In their striving for            no. 2092, p. 999a. Translation,
structure ofTang China, but also on the prestige                                                                  with minor changes, by Yi-
and development of the Buddhist church and its         volume and graceful movement in their figures,
                                                       Tang sculptors of the seventh and eighth centuries         t'ung Wang, A Record of
arts. The Anguo Temple sculptures probably predate     went even a step further, combining solid, almost
this dramatic decline, and thus may have been                                                                     Buddhist Monasteries in Ix-yang
                                                       weighty reality with voluptuous fleshiness. Suave,         by Yang Hsuan-chih (Princeton:
completed in the second quarter of the eighth          rhythmic drapery patterns follow the form of the           Princeton University Press.
                                                       body so closely that one senses the texture, weight,        [984), pp. sf.
century.                                               and fall of the cloth. As the figures became
                                                       substantial, often plump, there was an ever-               3. Edwin O. Reischauer, trans..
It was just at this time, during Xuanzong's reign,     increasing tendency toward rich detail, complexity
that Esoteric Buddhism first received official                                                                    Ennin's Diar)':Tltc Recoid of a
recognition and active encouragement from the          of forms, and restless movement in the sweeping            Pilgrimage to China in Scaitli 0)
court. In 716 the famous Indian Tantric theologian
                                                       curves of the drapery folds. Their extraordinary           the Law (New York: Ronald
Subhakarasimha (637-735), known to the Chinese         technical skill allowed the sculptors to reproduce
as Shanwuwei, arrived in Chang'an with a number        the finest details of hair, ribbons, and jewelry with      Press. I9SJ), pp. 3811".
                                                       utmost accuracy. In the end the monumental
of Sanskrit texts. Eight years later his Chinese       solidity of the mature Tang style was diminished           4. Translation by Alexandei (
                                                       through an overconscious striving for aristocratic         Soper, Literary Evidence fo\
disciple Yixing (638-727) assisted him in translating  elegance and sensuous beauty.
and commenting on one of the fundamental                                                                          Buddhist Art in China, Ambus
                                                       Over the past decades several of the large cave-
Esoteric Buddhist scriptures, the Mahavairocana        temple sites have been thoroughly investigated; a          Asiae, Suppl. n> (Ascona:
Sutra (C: Darijing; "Sutra of the Great Radiance of    number of individual temples and buildings have
Illumination"). This text describes most of the        been restored; groups of religious icons as well as        Ambus Asi.u-. [959), pp. it'.
                                                       isolated images have been excavated; and several
important Esoteric Buddhist deities in some detail:    spectacular reliquary deposits have been recovered         5. Another version of this
they were novel and infinitely more varied in their    from China's great Buddhist heritage. All these            apparition talc has been pre-
iconography than their traditional counterparts. The   substantive archaeological finds and results of recent
powerful presence of the Bright Kings, in particular,  restoration and research have greatly clarified and                   i in the Mingxiatigji
must have overshadowed the appeal of the               enriched our understanding of historical records           ("Records ot" Miraculous
bodhisattvas, whose prominence they were               and literary sources. They help to document
                                                       changes in Buddhist piety, worship, and faith;             Omens"), b\ VrangYan (act
usurping.                                              developments in the structure and importance of
                                                       various schools and temples: prominence of                 Lite sih-early 6th . I Ik- 131
stylistic; trends in buddhist                          individual deities, saints, patriarchs, donors, and        stones can be attributed to
sculpture                                              rulers over the centuries. They also allow us deepei
                                                                                                                  the now lost Mingxiang n make
The number of securely dated Chinese Buddhist          insight into the nature and living tradition ot            W.mcY.m's compilation one ot
                                                       Chinese Buddhist art. its liturgical foundations,          the most fascinating early
— —icons mainly gilded bronzes of the fourth           iconography, style, materials, techniques, .\n<\ last but  Buddhist miracle-tale collec-
                                                       not least, its perfect Sinicizatdon.                       tions. In 1.1.4 Daoxuan included
century is very small, and their style is reminiscent                                                             this anecdote as the first 111 .1
of images, from Gandhara. Although attached
                                                                                                                            ol famous images in
canopies are also known in early Indian sculpture,                                                                chapter ; ofhisji shenzhou son-

the leaf-shaped mandorla with flaming border

seems to be a Chinese innovation. The attempt to

emulate the Indian naturalism soon fused with
indigenous Chinese tendencies toward stylization
and abstraction. Early Chinese Buddhist images

tend to ignore rather than emphasize human

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