Page 151 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 151

played an active part in the ritual of invoking the    minor changes of iconographic features due to
Buddha and endowing his image with beneficial          repair or finishing work essentially would not
and protective power. 12                               impair its efficacy.

Since early times Buddhist theologians have            In the orthodox Buddhist sense, the sarTra (C: sheli)
                                                       refers to the pure crystallized grains found after the
speculated and commented on the relation of the        historical Buddha's cremation; to his ashes and
outer form and the inner principle, the actual and     other bodily remains, such as teeth, hair, finger
                                                       bones and fingernails; or to the ashes, bones, and
spiritual presence of deities or saints in images      similar physical fragments of saints. According to
                                                       ancient tradition, Sakyamuni's body was incinerated
made by human hands. They were deeply                  after he had attained his final nirvana. His ashes and
                                                       physical remains were divided with diplomatic skill
concerned with the degree of reality and potency       and interred in eight separate tumulus-like burial
dwelling in a pictorial representation. The efficacy   mounds, or stupas. In the third century bce, India's
of Buddhist icons, and therefore of the rituals        first Buddhist ruler, Asoka of the Mauryas,
addressed to them, was thought to depend to a          recovered and brought these relics together again,
great extent on their magic essence. To reinforce      later dispersing them throughout his far-flung
the potency ascribed to the images, all sorts of       kingdom in 84,000 stupas that are said to have been
                                                       erected in a single day.
—objects precious relics, ritual implements, holy
                                                       The miraculous division and widespread veneration
scriptures and pictures, printed or written magic
spells, miniature figures of deities, even textile     of the Buddha's remains established a powerful

—models of human organs were sometimes                 precedent. The process of dividing the sarTra again

deposited in special cavities or in the hollow         —and again not only those of Sakyamuni himself,

interior of a sculpture before it received its         but also those of his disciples and of later saints and
finishing touches and initial consecration. Literary
evidence and extant statues bear witness to the        —patriarchs of the various Buddhist schools created
early existence of this magic-religious practice in
China, which was not limited to any particular         an almost inexhaustible supply of minute holy
Buddhist school or category of religious imagery.
                                                       objects for the entire Buddhist world. The
SACRED ICONS AND THE BUDDHIST CULT                     enormous number of 84,000 refers to the number

OF RELICS                                              of atoms in the Buddha's corpus as well as to the
One of the earliest references to a sacred deposit in  corpus of his sacred words. Thus, by erecting these
                                                       stupas, the pious king As'oka intended to recreate
a Buddhist figure appears in the biography of the      Sakyamuni's physical body symbolically and to
distinguished evangelist and translator Dao'an
                                                       reconstruct his myriad teachings. The sarTra of the
(312-385), who once received a foreign gilded-         historical Buddha and his doctrines were
                                                       considered equivalent manifestations of the same
bronze statue that was seven feet high:                reality and sacred presence. The possession of

Whenever there was a lecture or assembly, the          "authentic" relics ensured the possessor an elevated
                                                       place in the ecclesiastical hierarchy as well as in
holy images would be set out. Banners and              society. At the same time, it was a powerful
                                                       instrument of monastic and imperial legitimacy
canopies would be hung up; festoons of beads           and, by stimulating donations from the faithful,
                                                       guaranteed economic independence.
would swing; everywhere would be incense
                                                       In recent years discoveries of Buddhist reliquary
smoke and flowers; so that those who mounted           deposits have been reported from almost every part
                                                       of China, from Liaoning in the northeast to Yunnan
the steps and crossed the threshold were               in the southwest. Sacred Buddhist relic assemblages
                                                       were mostly found within or on the site of
awestruck and paid the utmost in devotion. The         pagodas, which served as monumental architectural
                                                       reliquaries and usually stood at a distinguished place
foreign bronze image was so archaic in form            on the temple grounds. Relics might be enshrined
                                                       not only in a sealed crypt but in other parts of the
and workmanship that most people had no
                                                       —structure as well for example, at the base of the
great respect for it. [Dao-] An said: "The shape
                                                       mast atop the pagoda. The finds date from the tune
and the body-marks are excellent; the only fault       of the impact of Buddhism and its arts on

is that the form of the usnfsa [the protuberance       Chinese culture and increase concomitantly with
                                                       the faith's subsequent powerful spread from the
on top of the head] is incongruous." So he
                                                       fourth century through the Ming dynastt
ordered a disciple to fire and re-mould the

usnTsa. At once a light flamed up with such

Onbrilliance that it filled the whole hall.  close

inspection it was discovered that inside the

usnTsa there was a relic. The brothers were filled

with consternation; but [Dao-| An said: "The

statue is already a wonder-working one, and

will not be disturbed by recasting."''1

The unexpected discovery of a sacred relic in the

Buddha's head secured this rare foreign statue a
special rank as miraculous icon, and therefore even

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