Page 153 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 153

compassion, bodhisattvas are usually represented in       liturgies and special rituals, such as ordination and
graceful postures, dressed in elegant garments with       baptism, and also as aids to private exercises such as
                                                          the visualization of deities.
sophisticated drapery. They are adorned with
crowns and precious jewelry, and often they are           The cosmic All-Buddha Mahavairocana ("Great
equipped with specific emblems and attributes
(cats. 163, 165, 166, 172-76). Some bodhisattvas are      Radiance of Illumination"; C: Dari) was established
depicted riding on a powerful animal (an elephant         as the highest of these principles, penetrating with
                                                          his light the darkness of ignorance. Each Tathagata
or lion, for example), indicating the irresistible        had a particular bodhisattva and vidyaraja as his pair
nature of the Buddhist Law. Others appear with            of agents, representing his benign (sauta) and
multiple heads or arms to signify their limitless         wrathful (krodha) aspects. Practitioners of the mijiao,
compassion and their suprahuman potential as              or "Secret Teachings," believed that each person's
beneficent intercessors (cat. 164). Perhaps the single    body, mind, and speech were inherently divine and
most popular focus of Buddhist art and devotion is        that his or her deeds, thoughts, and words were
                                                          actually those of Mahavairocana. Through such
Avalokitesvara (C: Guan[shi]yin or Guanyin; "One          ritual practices as incantations, recitation of magic
                                                          spells, mystical hand gestures, and trances the deities
Who Perceives [with compassion] the Sounds [of
                                                          —could be constrained to fulfill material goals cure
the suffering world]"). Religious imagination has
                                                          illness, defeat one's enemies, protect the state and
endowed this widely adored bodhisattva with the
                                                          — —government and spiritual goals hasten one's
Nogreatest variety of attributes and manifestations.
                                                          enlightenment or progress to a higher state of
less than thirty-three forms became canonized in          consciousness. Correct performance of such rituals
the Lotus Sutm.They are indications oi his                was beheved to offer access to the power of the
compassionate omnipotence to save sentient beings         expansive Buddhist pantheon. That pantheon was
in different states of existence. As a benign             systematically defined and organized into a highly
emanation and agent of Amitabha, the Buddha of            intricate and complex schema, more elaborate than
the Western Paradise (cat. 160), he has a small image
of this Buddha in his crown. This image alone             any previously known in the Buddhist world.
suffices to identify him as Guanyin (cat. 176).           Picturing that pantheon presented a new challenge

Like the bodhisattvas, the vidyarajas ("Bright Kings      to the imagination and skill of Chinese artists of
[of Esoteric Wisdom]"; C: mingwang) are easily            the Tang dynasty.

recognized. The vidyarajas, however, are wrathful         A large class of lesser deities, or devas (C: tiari), rank

deities, terrifying in appearance and often depicted      just below vidyarajas in the order of sanctity (cats.
in belligerent poses, with abnormal multiplication
of limbs and heads, ferocious facial expressions,         167, 169). Among them are the belligerent
threatening weapons in their hands, and flame-            dvarapalas, who evolved out of Indian demonic
edged halos (cat. 170). But their anger is beneficent.
                                                          creatures (yakshas) and Chinese warrior heroes and
They embody the militant energy and retaliatory
power of the Tathagatas when confronted with such         who protected the entrance of a sanctuary. In
                                                          China they became known as envang ("Two
evils as heresy, ignorance, illusion, passion, and other
spiritual obstacles. Tathagatas are a class of fully      Kings"), a pair of guardian deities. Four lokapalas, or
enlightened Buddhas.The Chinese epithet, rulai,           "Divine Kings" (C: tianwang) were responsible for
                                                          protecting the Buddha and his Law, the sanctuary,
means something like "he who has thus come," that         and the Buddhist congregation from dangers and
                                                          threats of evil forces arising from the four cardinal
is, like other Buddhas before him. Although the           directions of the compass. Their images became
Five Bright Kings, their names, and their function        standard furnishing on a Buddhist altar platform
are of Indian origin, they were probably conceived        and at the four corners of a stupa or a mandala.
as a distinct group of five in Chinese Esoteric
Buddhism during the seventh to eighth centuries.          Symbolically, figures on the human level of
The Five Bright Kings, or protectors of faith,
correspond to the Five Tathagatas, just as the five       existence, such as arhats (C: luohan;
cosmic elements, the five cardinal points, the five       persons who, having attained enlightenment, will
transcendental wisdoms, the five senses, the five         enter into nirvana after death) and the Buddha's
colors, the five vitality centers, and the five viscera
of the human body do. These Tathagatas of the Five        major disciples, were more important as .1 group
Wisdoms (wuzhi rulai) were thought of as spiritual        than as individuals. Arhats received .1 much simpler
principles constituting the body of the universe;
and the relationship among them was clarified by          iconographical treatment than bodhisattvas.
the use of schematic diagrams, known as mandalas.         vidyarajas, and other suprahuman beings: on the
Such formal geometric diagrams, depicting                 other hand, they were represented with greater
Buddhist deities in a highly abstract theological
schema, originated in India. In China mandalas of         artistic and doctrinal freedom. The legendary.
painted or sculptural images were employed in             wonder-working arhats were often depicted .is .1

                                                          —group groups of eight, sixteen, or five hundred

                                                          being the most Arhats are frequently

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