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               Spring Dream), it is recorded “outside the Xuanwu gate on the 4    glazed monk’s cap ewers, and is a benchmark example of early Ming
               of each month a market forms, called the ‘Inner Market’” where   cloisonné enamel works. The ewer has been exhibited in the Shanghai
               precious and rare treasures made for the inner court were exchanged   Museum, Palace Museum and the Capital museum. It has a cover,
               “such as Xuande bronze censers, Chenghua porcelain, Yongle   handle and spout, and the neck and body is decorated with cartouches,
               lacquer made in the Guoyuanchang and Jingtai enamels made in the   each containing a lotus spray. The lotus is sumptuously decorated with
               Imperial atelier. Their refined quality far surpassed those of previous   brilliant and harmonious coloured enamels. The cloisons are fluid
               dynasties and connoisseurs from everywhere purchased them with   and full of movement, with bright, well-preserved gilding. To add to
               high prices at the Inner Market.” From this account we can see   its preciousness, it also comes with the original red-lacquered case
               that Jingtai cloisonné enamels made in the Imperial atelier were as   decorated with scrolling lotus. The  technique was developed in the
               precious as Xuande bronze censers, Chenghua porcelains and Yongle   Southern Song dynasty and continued till the early Ming Yongle and
               lacquers. Therefore, identifying those enamels that are truly of the   Xuande periods. The red-lacquered  box with sloping top excavated
               Jingtai period has always been a most pressing issue. Up until now   from the tomb of Zhu Tan (1370-1390) now in the Shandong
               there has not been a universal understanding of what constitutes real   Provincial Museum, and the red-lacquered  box inscribed   (Genealogy
               Jingtai enamel. There are three principle theories: Mr. Yang Boda of   of the Great Ming) in the Palace Museum (fig. 4) are both examples
               Beijing Palace Museum is of the opinion that the  vase with  mark   of early Ming  lacquer works. This genre became extinct after the
               is a real example; Mr. Li Jiufang of Beijing Palace Museum is of the   Yongle Xuande period and was replaced with polychrome  lacquer, in
               opinion that the parfumier decorated with butterflies and flowers   which polychrome lacquer is combined with incised gilt decoration.
               is stylistically close to the Jingtai period;  Ms. Chen Hsia-sheng of   The red lacquer and the decoration on this case show distinctive early
               Taipei Palace Museum is of the opinion that the cloisonné enamel   Ming characteristics, and is likely made in the same period as the
               lotus box and cover is a real example of Jingtai period enamel.  From   monk’s cap ewer.  The cloisonné enamel ‘lotus’ box offered at Christie’s
               my own research over the years, I think Ms. Chen’s theory is the most   is very closely related to the monk’s cap ewer both in terms of its
               plausible, if Jingtai period enamels indeed exist.   enamel colours, the decoration and the gilding. Specifically, the way
                                                                 the cloisons are laid is consistent with Ms. Chen Hsia-sheng’s
               The general rule of stylistic dating would place Jingtai enamels quite   description of ‘hidden ends of the cloisons’.  The box
               close in style to that of Xuande enamels. Xuande lasted 10 years (1436-  shares many similarities with the monk’s cap ewer
               1449), followed by Zhengtong (1436-1449), then Jingtai (1450-1456)   and is stylistically of the same period, which
               at only 7 years. This means there is only a gap of 14 years between   makes it a very rare example of early Ming
               Xuande and Jingtai. There are very few extant examples of Xuande   cloisonné enamel.
               cloisonné enamel, and most of them are in the Beijing Palace Museum,
               with a range of styles. Apart from these, the British Museum and the   The box was included in the
               Uldry Collection in Switzerland each owns a dragon jar with the   exhibition  jointly held by the
               marks  (made in the Xuande year of Great Ming) and (made by the   British Arts Council and  Oriental
               Imperial Atelier). A cloisonné enamel monk’s cap ewer (fig. 2) with   Ceramics Society in 1957. It was
               its original case (fig. 3) in the Museum of Tibet , although without   published again by Sir Harry
               a mark, is closely related to Xuande-marked red-glazed and white-  Garner in 1962.

               1   Enamel Wares of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, fig. 1, p. 66,
                 Taipei 1999
               2   Enamel Wares of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, fig. 1, p. 66,
                 Taipei 1999
               3    Yang Boda, Jingtai qiasi falang de zhenxiang (The truth of Jingtai
                 cloisonné enamel), Gugong bowuyuan yuankan, 1981:2
                  Li JIufang, Gugong bowuyuan zhenpin quanji: 43 Jinshutai falangqi,
                 Hong Kong Commercial Press, 2002
               5   Chen Hsiasheng, Cloisonne Enamels of Ming and Qing Dynasties,
                 Taipei Palace Museum, 1999
               6   Yongxuan wenwu cuizhen – Ming Yongle Xuande wenwu tezhan,
                 Beijing Palace Museum, 2010, p. 282
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