Page 104 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
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         AN IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY RARE                   明景泰   御製掐絲琺瑯纏枝番蓮紋盒
         IMPERIAL MING CLOISONNE ENAMEL                                                「大明景泰年製」刻款
         BRACKET-LOBED BOX AND COVER                       銅胎,蓋與器盒鑄成浮雕式八瓣蓮花形,器外施淺藍釉為地

         JINGTAI INCISED SIX-CHARACTER MARK AND OF THE     色,蓋頂飾花心盛開之蓮紋,蓋壁與器身各蓮瓣內飾以不同
         PERIOD (1450-1456)                                顏色的折枝番蓮花葉,底及盒內光素鎏金,盒心陰刻「大明
         The domed circular cover is exquisitely enamelled with a lotus   景泰年製楷書款。」為景泰年間(1450-1456)製作之代表
         seed-pod surrounded by rings of petals, and the rounded sides   性器物。
         are decorated with eight multi-hued lotus sprays, each enclosed
         within large moulded lotus petal panels emerging from the central   來源
         medallion, the pointed tip of each panel curling naturalistically,   T.B. Kitson 舊藏
         the overlapping lotus panel band repeated around the sides of the   倫敦蘇富比,1961 年 2 月 21 日,拍品 277 號
         box, the reign mark incised in a line across the gilded base.   A.S. de Breyne 伉儷舊藏
         4√ in. (12.4 cm.) diam., box                      Ming - The Age of Refinement 專場拍賣,倫敦佳士得,1998
         Estimate on Request                               年
         估價待詢                                              11 月 16 日,拍品 1 號
                                                           香港佳士得,2002 年 10 月 28 日,拍品 612 號
         Sold by Order of the Executors, The Property of the Late T.B.   展覽
         Kitson, Esq                                       《The Arts of the Ming Dynasty》,藝術委員會藝廊,倫敦,
         Sold at Sotheby’s London, 21 February 1961, lot 277  1957 年,圖錄圖版 316 號
         Mr. and Mrs. A. S. de Breyne
         Ming-The Age of Refinement, sold at Christie’s London,    出版
         16 November 1998, lot 1                           《The Arts of the Ming Dynasty》,東方陶瓷學會期刊,倫敦,
         Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 October 2002, lot 612  1958 年,圖版 86 號,編號 316(圖五)
                                                           Harry Garner 爵士,《Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné
         The Arts of the Ming Dynasty, The Arts Council Gallery, London,   Enamels》,倫敦,1962 年,圖版 19B(圖六)
         1957, no. 316                                     《香港佳士得二十週年回顧 1986-2006 中國瓷器及工藝品精
                                                           選》,香港,2006 年,頁 273
         The Arts of the Ming Dynasty, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic
         Society, London, 1958, pl. 86, no. 316 (fig. 5)
         Sir Harry Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels, Faber
         and Faber, London, 1962, pl. 19B (fig. 6)
         Christie’s 20 Years in Hong Kong, 1986-2006, Chinese Ceramics and
         Works of Art Highlights, Hong Kong, 2006, p. 273                       (mark)

                                  fig. 5                                            fig. 6
                                   圖五                                               圖六
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