Page 260 - Chinese Works of Art Christies South Kensington Nov. 2015
P. 260

           弗朗西斯.戈爾丁 (1944-2013)私人珍藏 (拍品1048號至1087號)

     Francis Golding (1944 -2013)
     弗朗西斯.戈爾丁 (1944 -2013)

Christie’s are delighted to be entrusted with the collection of the late                    The interior of Francis Golding’s home
Francis Golding (1944-2013). The collection of over 70 lots will be
ofered here and at Christie’s King Street on November 10.                       佳士得有幸呈獻弗朗西斯.戈爾丁(1944-2013)的私人
Francis Golding assembled this collection over the last forty years             及倫敦佳士得國王街在11月10日拍賣。
buying from reputable London dealers such as Bluett & Sons, John
Sparks, and Spink & Son, and international auction houses including             戈爾丁先生在過去四十年間常於Bluett & Sons, John
Sotheby’s, Bonham’s, and Christie’s. It comprises works that span over          Sparks, Spink & Son及各大拍賣行中精心挑選藏品。其藏
two thousand years of Chinese art and includes exquisite Song dynasty           品種類豐富,包括古樸宋瓷,明清瓷器玉器及精美緙絲
ceramics, Ming and Qing dynasty porcelain, archaic, Ming and Qing               等。諸多拍品來自重要收藏,包括I. P. Lee博士舊藏,塞
dynasty jade carvings, beautifully-worked kesi textiles, and works of           克勒舊藏及艾佛瑞‧克拉克舊藏。戈爾丁收藏中國藝術品
art including cloisonné enamel and lacquer ware. Many pieces bear the           的熱忱始於1970年代,他在新加坡有幸結識了中國藝術
labels of famous collections such as the Dr I P Lee Collection, Sackler         策展人及學者William Willetts並被唐宋藝術深深折服。戈
Collection and Alfred Clark Collection.                                         爾丁先生從收藏中國藝術得到的快樂不僅僅是來自鑑賞
Francis developed a deep afinity with Chinese art after being                   生命,它們並不是毫無生氣的物品。」這些精美的藝術
introduced to the beauty of Tang and Song dynasty ceramics in                   品曾陳設在他與藝術史學者Satish Padiyar博士共同居住的
Singapore in the 1970s by the Chinese curator and scholar William               喬治風格的家中。戈爾丁是一位備受敬仰的建築師,為
Willetts, author of the infuential two-volume Chinese Art, 1958.                倫敦的現代城市規劃作出很大的貢獻。他的客戶包括設
To Francis, the joy of collecting Chinese art went beyond the thrill of         計倫敦蘭特荷大廈的國際建築大師Richard Rogers以及設
acquisition and appreciation of beauty. In his words: “These objects            計位於倫敦芬丘奇街20號的倫敦地標「對講機大樓」的
represent to me freedom and life, not deadening possessions”. They              建築師維諾利Rafael Viñoly。
were placed artfully in his London Georgian townhouse, where he lived
with his partner, art historian Dr Satish Padiyar.                              為紀念他對倫敦建築的卓越貢獻,對講機大樓裡的空中
He was widely considered to be one of the country’s leading                     爵(Norman Foster)的顧問。在看到暱稱「小黃瓜」的
architectural, planning and conservation consultants. As such, he               瑞士保險公司總部大樓的設計圖時,戈爾丁曾和諾曼笑
greatly infuenced the contemporary architectural landscape of                   談:「諾曼,你不會把你最差的作品建在雷恩爵士最棒
London. His clients included world renowned architect Richard                   的作品隔壁吧。」
Rogers, with whom he advised on The Leadenhall Building in the City
of London known as “The Cheese Grater”; and Rafael Viñoly, whose                戈爾丁於2013年在一場交通意外不幸辭世。
distinctive building nicknamed “The Walkie-Talkie” towers above
London’s surrounding historic fnancial district at 20 Fenchurch Street.
The soaring public sky terrace there, “The Francis Golding Terrace”,
was named after him as a mark of respect for a man whose passion for
London’s architecture and urban landscape improved the quality of the
many developments on which he advised.

Francis Golding also advised the celebrated architect Norman Foster,
with whom he worked on London’s iconic building the “Gherkin”. He
once famously suggested Norman Foster reconsider one of his designs
with the pithy critique, “Norman, you wouldn’t want to put one of your
worst next to one of Wren’s best would you?”

Francis Golding died after injuries sustained from a cycling accident in 2013.

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