Page 36 - Chinese Works of Art Christies South Kensington Nov. 2015
P. 36



                                                                          TWO PALE CELADON JADE ‘DRAGON’ BELT HOOKS
                                                                          18TH-19TH CENTURY

                                                                          清十八/十九世紀 青白玉蒼龍教子帶鉤 一組兩件

                                                                          Each belt hook is carved and pierced with a chilong crawling along the
                                                                          shaft towards the dragon-head terminal. The reverses are carved with a
                                                                          circular knob. The stones are both of a very pale even tone, one with a few
                                                                          minor light russet inclusions.

                                                                          The largest, 5Ω in. (14 cm.) long  (2)

                                                                          £3,000-5,000                       $4,600-7,600


                                                                          A SMALL CELADON JADE ‘BASKET’ MOON FLASK AND
                                                                          18TH-19TH CENTURY

                                                                          清十八/十九世紀 青玉魚簍紋抱月蓋瓶

                                                                          The moon fask is fnely carved to render the natural weave of a wicker
                                                                          basket, the neck is fanked by a pair of archaistic handles, the cover
                                                                          surmounted by an oval knob. The stone is of a greyish celadon tone with
                                                                          some cloudy and dark inclusions.

                                                                          5º in. (13.4 cm.) high

                                                                          £2,000-3,000                       $3,100-4,500


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