Page 38 - Chinese Works of Art Christies South Kensington Nov. 2015
P. 38


                                                A WHITE METAL JADE-MOUNTED HAND MIRROR
                                                19TH-20TH CENTURY

                                                十九/二十世紀 青玉帶鉤鑲白銅手鏡

                                                The handle is formed by a celadon jade belthook carved and undercut with a
                                                chilong crawling towards the dragon-head garment hook, the mirror back is
                                                decorated with shou characters, inlaid with hardstones, enamelled fowers,
                                                bats and a celadon jade plaque carved with a bat over two bi discs.

                                                9¬ in. (24.5 cm.) long

                                                £1,000-1,500                                             $1,600-2,300


                                                              552 A SILVER-GILT HARDSTONE AND JADE-

                                                                                   EMBELLISHED HAND MIRROR
                                                                                     19TH CENTURY

                                                                              清十九世紀 鎏金銀嵌玉手鏡

                                                                                      The mirror is mounted to the back with a circular
                                                                                      white jade plaque carved and pierced with a shou
                                                                                      roundel surrounded by scrolling foliage. The
                                                                                      plaque is encircled by variously coloured inset
                                                                                      hardstones. The handle is formed from spinach
                                                                                      green jade and is carved to the top in low relief with
                                                                                      a foral motif.

                                                                                  11¡ in. (29 cm.) long

                                                                                  £2,000-3,000           $3,100-4,500

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36                                              A RUSSET JADE ARCHER’S RING AND A JADE-HANDLED KNIFE
                                                18TH AND 19TH CENTURY

                                                清十八及十九世紀 青白玉柄刀及青玉團壽紋扳指

                                                The archer’s ring is carved in low relief with stylised shou roundels interspersed with
                                                archaistic ‘C’ scrolls, the stone is of a pale russet tone with mottled inclusions. The handle of
                                                the knife comprises a belthook with a dragon-head terminal. The stone is of a pale celadon

                                                The knife 8¿ in. (20.7 cm.) long                                            (2)

                                                £1,200-1,800                                             $1,900-2,700


                                                The knife: Acquired in Hong Kong in 1977.

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