Page 318 - Christies Fine Chinese Works of Art March 2016 New York
P. 318
Friday 18 March 2016
Afternoon Session at 2:00 pm
(Lots 1604-1730)
THE PROPERTY OF A NEW YORK FAMILY COLLECTION The impressed mark on the current fgure, jin feng, is a
seal frequently used by scholars in ancient times on their
1604 correspondence to indicate that a document had been sealed.
This mark can be seen on a number of Dehua and Yixing wares,
A DEHUA SEATED FIGURE OF GUANYIN including a large Dehua seated fgure of Maitreya mentioned by
17TH-18TH CENTURY P.J. Donnelly in Blanc de Chine, New York, 1969, p. 256, where
the author mistakenly identifed the mark as wan bang, or ‘all
The Goddess of Mercy is fnely modeled seated with nations’, at the time.
her right arm gently placed on her raised right knee,
her left elbow resting on an arm rest decorated with a 明末/清十八世紀 德化白釉觀音坐像 「堇封」款
mythical beast, while she holds a ruyi scepter. She wears a
fowing, long robe, and her contemplative face is framed (mark)
by knotted tresses trailing onto the shoulders and drawn
up into a topknot. The reverse is impressed with a two-
character seal mark, jin feng, ‘cautiously sealed’, below a
hu-shaped mark.
13æ in. (34.5 cm.) high
Private collection, New York, acquired prior to 1970 and
thence by descent within the family.
Sarah Lawrence College, Women in Oriental Art: Han
Dynasty to the Present; 2000 Years of Far Eastern Art, New
York, 7 October -7 December 1986, no. 36.