Page 154 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 154
No. 206. No. 207. No. 208.
No. 206.—Painted in red upon a Cup. No. 207.— Painted
in red upon a Plate. No. 208. —Painted in brown upon a
Vase; all modern ware. The inscriptions are the same;
Ku-tani sei, Itsu-kio-do. Made in Kutani, Itsukiodo, the latter
being the name of the maker.
Painted in red upon a Teapot of modern ware. Ku-tani,
Itsu-kio-do seisu. Made bvMtsnkiodo, Kutani.
1 •
No. 210.
Painted in red upon a Vase of veiy good modern ware.
Ku-tani, Itsu-kio-do. The seal is the maker’s mark, and
gives his second name the characters to the left are No
IN, and those to the right are Rin-ko, meaning The seal of