Page 166 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 166

12                       KIOTO   POTTERY.

                                                  No. 235.

                        The   seal  of  Ninsei,   impressed   upon   a Tea Bowl     of
                   faience,  decorated with groups of figures painted in colours.
                   This   example,    like  all  those   of  which    the   decoration
                   consists  of figures,  is probably  of modern manufacture.

                                                  No. 236.
                        The   seal  of  Ninsei,  im.pressed upon    a  Tea Bowl     of

                   faience, decorated with    figures and unquestionably of     recent
                   date.  The   seal  is  frequently  forged upon ware made     in the
                   present  day.

                                                  No. 237.

                        Painted  in brown upon a Tea Jar of pottery, decorated
                   with  inlaid and other ornamentation of an exquisite character.
                   KeN'ZAN,   the mark    of Shisui Kenzan, a distinguished     potter
                   who   lived  in  Kioto  about   1745   a.d., and produced    clever
                   imitations   of  the   works   of  Ninsei   as   well  as  original
                   examples    which have always been held       in high esteem by
                   the  Chajin.
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