Page 260 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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                  the  founder    the  family name was      changed    to Sumiyoshi
                  by his descendant Hiromichi,     in the period of Kwambun, i66i
                  to 1673  A.D., but the name of the school remained unaltered,
                  and the descendants of Tsunetaka hold a distinguished place
                  amongst the    artists  of the  present  day.
                       The   second   great  school  is  that  of  Kano, which was
                  founded by Kano Masanobu, who          lived between the    periods
                  of   Chokio   and   Tembun,     1487   to   1555   a.d.,  and   his
                  descendants    also  still  worthily  uphold  the  fame   of   their
                  ancestor.   The most celebrated representatives of this family,
                  belonging   to the Tsukiji, Kajibashi and Nakabashi branches,
                  have resided   in Tokio    during  the  last two   centuries under
                  the patronage    of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the members of
                  which have    not  only   supported them     by  liberal  grants  of
                  money but availed themselves of their instruction.
                       The   paintings   of  the Tosa   school   are  remarkable   as
                  specimens of minute and delicate manipulation, and resemble
                  in many    respects   the  fine miniature  painting  found   in  the
                  illuminated  missals   of  the middle   ages    they  are  executed
                  in  full-toned  colours,  often  with  a  lavish  use of gold, and
                  represent  scenes of court    life, with the figures of nobles and
                  ladies  clad  in  robes   of  ceremony,   or  depict  the  warriors
                  of  ancient   days  engaged    in  the  warfare   with  which   the
                  history  of Japan    is  associated.  The    artists  of  the  Kano
                  family, on the other hand, have       always loved to   depict  the
                  natural   beauties   of   their  country   or   to  illustrate  the
                  mythological    legends   of   China,    and   their  drawings    of
                  scenery, and    studies  of   men,  animals,   birds  and   foliage,
                  are executed with freedom and truthfulness, and are singularly
                       Another school, of a kindred character to that       of Tosa,
                  was founded by Iwasa        Matabei   in  the  period  of  Tensho,
                  1573  to 1592 A.D., and out of this grew, a century later, that
                  of Utagawa      the works    of these schools   are known as the
                  Ukiyo,  or  popular,  style.  The    most   celebrated  master   of
                  this  school  was   Hokusai, who      lived  between   the  periods
                  of Bunsei    and Tempo,     1818   to  1844  a.d.   He   illustrated
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