Page 272 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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                  of ancient times, painted by Mitsuoki Tosa, about tbe period
                  of  Manji,   1658  to  1661  a.d.   The   first  inscription, which
                  gives the  title  in  full,  is found  at  the  close of the work  in
                  connection with the name of the      artist, whilst the second, an
                  abbreviation of the   title,  is used by the  painter as his   seal,
                  and   is stamped upon     each  painting.

                                 SAKON NO SHOGEN.             SHOGEN.

                       The   title  of Hogan, which probably emanated from          a
                  government department       or from the Shogun, and       not from
                  the  Mikado,   is one which     is  conferred only upon   painters
                  the example which      is here given   is taken from a makimono,
                  in  the Bowes     Collection,  painted by Tosan     Kanrakusai,   a
                  member    of  the Kano    family, who    resided  in  Tokio under
                  the  patronage   of the Shogun.


                       The   third  illustration  is  that  of  Koji,  a  title which  is
                   assumed    by painters   and   scholars    the  example given    is
                   found  in  the makimono referred to above, in connection with
                  the name     of  Hichisho,  the   most   accomplished    master   of
                   writing  in modern times, who wrote       the  text  of  the work
                   referred  to  he  died  in  1858.

                       The   only  other   character   connected   with   the  marks
                   upon books    to which   it  is  necessary  to draw   attention  is
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