Page 274 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 274


                                                   No. 554.

                         Painted  in  black upon    one  of the pages    of an  oribon,
                    entitled Sanju Roku Kasen, containing      thirty-six  leaves, upon
                    each  of which    is  painted  in  gold and  colours  the  portrait
                    of a poet   or poetess   of ancient times     the grounds of the
                    portraits are clouded with gold, and     opposite each   is written
                    an ode composed by the        poet  depicted.   To-sa, Sa-kon no
                    Sho-gen, Mitsu-oki hitsusu.      Painted by Mitsuoki Tosa, Sakon
                    no Shogen.   Mitsuoki was a distinguished member of the Tosa
                    family,  who    lived  during  the   period  of  Manji,   1658   to
                    1661  A.D., and was honoured by the Mikado with the         title of
                    Sakon no Shogen.       This work, which     is  a perfect example
                    of the Tosa    school of painting,   is preserved   in  the Bowes

                                                   No. 555.

                         An abbreviation of the title of Sakon no Shogen.      Shogen,
                    the  seal  of  Mitsuoki  Tosa, stamped      in  red upon each    of
                    the  paintings referred   to  above.
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