Page 271 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 271


               The upper character     in  each  of  the foregoing   inscrip-
          tions  is the Chinese word mono,      and   the  lower ones form
          the word   gatari, written  in Hira-kana letters  ;  the  letters of
          this  alphabet   are  in  many    cases   derived  from   different
          Chinese words, and     are written  in various forms and styles,
          which renders   their  translation a task   of extreme   difficulty.
               The   characters Riu, a school, and     Sotei, the  disciple of
          a  school,  are seldom found    in  the marks upon     books,  but
          they  are  occasionally used   in  the  following manner   :

                          YENSHIU                               KAN DA
           RIU.             RIU.              SOTEI.            SOTEI.
          A School.   The School of Vcftshiu.  Disciple of a School.  Disciple of Ihe School of Kanda.

               The  list of marks furnishes three instances of the titles
          which were     conferred  upon   painters,  or were assumed by
          them.    Two   of them   are  of considerable  interest, from  the
          fact that they   are found   in  connection with   the names     of
          distinguished members     of  the  families  of Tosa and Kano.
          The   title  of  Sakon no Shogen    was   one   which   proceeded
          directly from the Court of the Mikado, and was of the highest
          honour, being reserved for men      distinguished  in  the  arts of
          war and peace.     It was of a purely honorary character, being
          that of the chief inspector of the palace, a nominal office of
          the Court.   The instance given upon the next page        is taken
          from an oribon, in the Bowes Collection,     entitled Sanju Roku
          Kasen, containing the portraits of thirty-six poets and poetesses
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